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West Carleton Gravel Series Launches Aug. 5 – Registration Now OPEN

by Ron Johnson

July 05, 2018 – After launching the Kinburn Kermesse gravel cycling race series in Lanark County outside Ottawa, Ontario, organizers Brendan Gorman and Alain Villeneuve are hard at work organizing their next project, the three-event West Carleton Gravel Series.

The West Carleton event, the first of which is slated for Aug. 5, 2018, is an Ontario Cycling Association-sanctioned road cyclosportif series with courses ranging from 80 to 90 kms. Gorman says, he and Villeneuve are hoping to attract adventure and racing cyclists.

“I sincerely feel that the expansion of gravel racing/riding will be good for everyone and anyone whose lives are intertwined with cycling,” says Gorman. “The ability to attract the adventure and racing cyclists under one umbrella creates so much opportunity to grow the sport.”

Gorman, a former national team member and Junior road race champion (1996) who currently races Masters 1, is a big fan of the terrain near his home in the area.

“West Carleton has some of the greatest gravel roads in the area and I know them all,” says Gorman, who also blogs about gravel racing and the routes in the area at Nine2fivepro.com.

Next up for the team, an expansion into the Lanark Highlands and an Ontario rasputitsa race, essentially a muddy race under challenging conditions, run entirely on one-lane treed country roads.

For more info and to register visit here.


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