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Tour de Suisse Stages 1-4 Reports, Results, Photos – Dumoulin Leads, Canada’s Tuft 140th UPDATED

release by Tour de Suisse

June 16, 2015 – The opening stage of Tour de Suisse 2015 produced a great fight against the clock. Tom Dumoulin of Giant-Alpecin turned out to be the fastest man on the 5.1 km course in Risch-Rotkreuz.

Tom Dumoulin (Ned) Team Giant - Alpecin  ©  Cor Vos

Starting out in sunshine and high temperatures, it didn’t take long before the first top time of the day was set by IAM Cycling’s Matthias Brändle. The Austrian crossed the finishing line in 5:45 minutes, which was one second ahead of Greg Van Avermaet of BMC.

On a very fast course, many riders matched Brändle’s split time after 2.1 km. However, it took a long time before anyone came close to beating him at the finish. The current road race world champion, Michal Kwiatkowski, who was one of the top favorites for today’s prologue, didn’t manage to live up to the expectations. He finished in 6:02 minutes.

After spending more than one and a half hours in the hot seat, Brändle had to see his time beaten by Fabian Cancellara who blasted through the course in 5:43 minutes. Despite recently suffering from a throat infection, Cancellara proved to be in great shape for his home race. The Swiss time machine has won the prologue of Tour de Suisse five times in the past. His first win came back in 2003. Unfortunately, for Cancellara, today’s time wasn’t fast enough to give him a sixth prologue win.

Tom Dumoulin came to the race fresh off an altitude training camp with his team in Sierra Nevada. He hadn’t been racing for six weeks. Still, the Dutch time trial champion had no problems setting a new best time when he crossed the line in 5:41 minutes. Of the remaining favorites for the stage win, only Peter Sagan had still to finish. The Tinkoff-Saxo rider had recently won a short time trial in Tour of California. Today however, Sagan didn’t manage to make it onto the podium. He came close but at the end, the Slovakian had to settle for fourth place, five seconds behind Dumoulin.

A dramatic moment occurred when Silvian Dillier crashed just before the intermediate time check. Luckily, the young Swiss rider was able to continue and finish the stage. The crash ruined any chance Dillier had to fight for the stage win, though.

Today’s victory is Tom Dumoulin’s second time trial triumph in 2015 after winning in Vuelta al Pais Vasco two months ago. Last year, Dumoulin finished second in the opening prologue of Tour de Suisse. The Dutchman will now be looking forward to continuing his winning streak against the clock in the Tour de France, which starts out in his home country next month.

On Sunday, Tour de Suisse continues with an undulating stage around Risch-Rotkreuz. The steep category 1 climb Michaelskreuz is covered twice. On the last lap, there are just over 12 km to go from the top of the climb. The riders targeting the general classification will have to stay alert in order to not lose any time.

Stage 2 – Kristijan Durasek takes the favorites by surprise

In a very exciting final, Kristijan Durasek played his cards perfectly, as he attacked out of an elite front group on the last kilometer of stage 2 of Tour de Suisse. Tom Dumoulin was under attack but he managed to keep the yellow jersey at the end.

Kristijan Durasek (Team Lampre - Merida)  ©  Cor Vos

After a fast start with numerous attacks, the breakaway finally got clear of the peloton after the climb to Allenwinden. Luka Pibernik (Lampre-Merida), Cameron Meyer (Orica GreenEdge), Jurgen Roelandts (Lotto Soudal) and Valerio Agnoli (Astana) quickly gained a solid lead. Benjamin King (Cannondale Garmin) and Simone Antonini (Wanty Groupe Gobert) tried to bridge the gap but they were unsuccessful in their attempt.

Due to his good prologue yesterday, Meyer started today’s stage just six seconds behind Tom Domoulin in the general classification. Thereby, the Australian was the virtual leader of the race for the majority of the stage.

As the breakaway started on the Michaelskreuz climb for the first time, it didn’t take long before the quartet transformed into a duo. Agnoli and Roelandts couldn’t follow the pace of their two companions and had to see them sail away on the steep slopes towards the top. Pibernik won the KOM sprint in front of Meyer, while a reduced peloton followed 1:41 minutes behind them.

The duo kept a gap of around one minute for the majority of the lap around Risch-Rotkreuz. The second time the riders went up the Michaelskreuz ascent, overall favorite Jakob Fuglsang put in a strong attack, which quickly reduced the peloton. Only a few riders were able to follow the Dane who attacked numerous times towards the top, thinning out the front group. Tom Dumoulin fought hard to minimize the gap in order to keep his yellow jersey and, on the descent, the Dutchman made it back to the front group.

Geraint Thomas tried to get away on the fast downhill section where the speed exceeded 100 km/h. However, with 6 km to go, the front group was compact. Another group with Peter Sagan was chasing after but they didn’t manage to make it back in time for the sprint.

Passing under la flamme rouge, everybody in the front group started to look at each other. Kristijan Durasek quickly realized what was going on and decided to attack. Even though both Astana and Katusha had two riders in the group, they didn’t manage to rail back the strong Croatian who took a beautiful solo victory. Durasek arrived at Tour de Suisse fresh off winning Tour of Turkey overall last month. After taking “the most important win of his career” today, the Lampre-Merida rider is now 8th overall, 18 seconds behind Tom Dumoulin. Geraint Thomas sits third, seven seconds down.

One rider didn’t take the start this morning. Movistar’s Javier Moreno crashed just a few hundred meters from the finishing line in yesterday’s the prologue. The Spaniard finished the stage but unfortunately, his injuries didn’t let him stay in the race.

Stage 3 – Peter Sagan sprints to win stage 3

Despite numerous attacks on the final kilometers, Monday’s stage of Tour de Suisse ended in a sprint within a reduced group. Peter Sagan proved to be the fastest man up front when he outsprinted Daniel Moreno and Thibaut Pinot.

Peter Sagan (Svk) Team Tinkoff Saxo  ©  Cor Vos

Today’s stage started out in a very tough way, with the riders having to climb the Gotthard-Pass (2093 meters above sea level) right from the beginning of the day. Stefan Denifl (IAM Cycling) and Marco Marcato (Wanty – Groupe Gobert) were the first riders to get away. Branislau Samoilau (CCC Sprandi Polkowice) then decided that he wanted to join the action. The Belarusian went solo to bridge the gap, which he managed to do on the first part of the following descent.

The front trio worked well together and quickly established a solid gap to the pack. With 40 km to go, the peloton was still more than six minutes behind the break. None of the three riders was a real threat to Tom Domoulin’s overall lead. Therefore, Giant-Alpecin didn’t seem to be in a hurry to rail them back in. Tinkoff-Saxo, however, had other plans. With Peter Sagan as one of the top favorites for the stage, the Russian team hit the front and set a furious pace.

As the break started on the penultimate climb of the day – with less than 20 km to go – the gap was down to under two minutes due to Tinkoff-Saxo’s hard work. Marcato lost contact with Denifl and Samoilau and he was caught by the peloton soon after. The GC riders kept quiet but on the top of the climb, the leading duo had a gap of just 33 seconds.

After the technical descent, it didn’t take long before the two riders at the front were caught by a select group of riders led by home favorite Michael Albasini (Orica GreenEdge) and overall favorite Jakob Fuglsang (Astana). Albasini then attacked with 8.6 km to go. Only Jan Bakelants (Ag2r) proved capable of following the strong Swiss rider. A few kilometers later, Sergio Henao (Team Sky) went clear and neutralized the breakaway. Numerous attacks occurred on the following kilometers but at the end, it all came down to a sprint.

Daniel Moreno (Katusha) started his sprint early but Sagan didn’t let him get away. The Slovakian seemed to have everything under control and he had no problems overtaking Moreno before the line. Behind the two riders, Thibaut Pinot (FDJ) fought off Julian Arredondo (Trek) to take third place on the stage. Today’s win is Sagan’s 10th stage win in Tour de Suisse history.

Tom Dumoulin finished 5th on the stage and thereby kept the yellow jersey. Dani Moreno (2nd) and Peter Sagan (3rd) are both just five seconds behind the Dutchman in the general classification.

Michael Matthews Wins uphill sprint on stage 4

Orica-GreenEdge pulled off an amazing team performance when they set up Michael Matthews to win the uphill finish in Schwarzenbach. Tom Dumoulin continues to lead the race overall before tomorrow’s queen stage.

Michael Matthews wins Stage 4  ©  Cor Vos

Two riders didn’t take the start this morning; Gang Xu (Lampre-Merida) and Philippe Gilbert (BMC). The Chinese rider suffered from a crash on stage 2, while knee pain prevented Gilbert from continuing in the race.

Soon after the official start was given, Thomas De Gendt (Lotto Soudal) and Davide Malacarne (Astana) attacked. The duo was later joined by Frederik Backaert (Wanty – Groupe Gobert), Alex Howes (Cannondale Garmin) and Stijn Devolder (Trek Factory Racing). Despite Backaert being the best-placed rider in the general classification, more 16 minutes behind Tom Domoulin, the peloton didn’t let the quintet get too much of a gap.

As the five riders at the front started on the category 2 climb to Wildhaus, the peloton was just three and a half minutes behind them. At the top of the climb, the gap was down to two minutes and 50 seconds. The peloton continued to keep the break in a tight leash and upon crossing the finishing line for the first time, less than one minute separated them.

With 50 km to left to go, the peloton – led by Orica GreenEdge – caught the five-man breakaway. In Michael Matthews, the Australian team had one of the top favorites for this undulating stage. By setting a high pace in the peloton, they made sure the pure sprinters didn’t get a chance to sprint for the win. Arnaud Démare, Mark Cavendish and Alexander Kristoff all lost ground on the hills.

At the intermediate sprint with 38 km to go, Tom Dumoulin took the other riders by surprise when he crossed the line first and thereby won three important bonus seconds. The Dutchman now had an eight second lead overall to Peter Sagan, meaning Sagan had to win the stage if he wanted to take the yellow jersey.

Starting on the final lap of 29.2 km, the peloton was still rather big despite many sprinters being dropped already. Orica GreenEdge kept leading the pack, trying to prevent any dangerous moves on the numerous ascents. Alexey Lutsenko (Astana) managed to solo away but the former U23 world champion was caught again with 6.7 km left to ride. In the meantime Sagan had taken two bonus seconds in the last intermediate sprint, bringing him just six behind Dumoulin overall.

Tom Dumoulin (Ned) Team Giant - Alpecin  ©  Cor Vos

A strong trio of Sergio Henao (Team Sky), Marco Marcato (Wanty – Groupe Gobert) and Jan Bakelants (Ag2r) tried to distance the peloton but Tinkoff-Saxo and Orica GreenEdge managed to rail them back in, in order to set up the sprint.

Sagan opened his sprint with 300 meters to go but it proved to be too early. On the final meters, Matthews flew past the Slovakian to take his first ever stage win in Tour de Suisse. In the general classification, Dumoulin still leads but in the same time as Sagan. Daniel Moreno is third, eight seconds down.


Stage 1 – June – 5.1km Risch-Rotkreuz (Prologue)
1. Tom Dumoulin (Ned) Team Giant-Alpecin 0:05:41
2. Fabian Cancellara (Sui) Trek Factory Racing 0:00:02
3. Matthias Brandle (Aut) IAM Cycling 0:00:04
4. Peter Sagan (Svk) Tinkoff-Saxo 0:00:05
5. Steve Morabito (Sui) FDJ.fr
6. Greg Van Avermaet (Bel) BMC Racing Team
7. Cameron Meyer (Aus) Orica GreenEdge 0:00:06
8. Ion Izagirre (Esp) Movistar Team
9. Adriano Malori (Ita) Movistar Team
10. Geraint Thomas (Gbr) Team Sky 0:00:07
11. Michael Matthews (Aus) Orica GreenEdge 0:00:08
12. Martin Elmiger (Sui) IAM Cycling 0:00:09
13. Jean-Pierre Drucker (Lux) BMC Racing Team
14. Jerome Coppel (Fra) IAM Cycling
15. Bob Jungels (Lux) Trek Factory Racing
16. Michael Albasini (Sui) Orica GreenEdge
17. Francisco Ventoso (Esp) Movistar Team 0:00:10
18. Zdenek Stybar (Cze) Etixx – Quick-Step
19. Nikias Arndt (Ger) Team Giant-Alpecin
20. Benjamin King (USA) Cannondale-Garmin Pro Cycling Team
21. Daryl Impey (RSA) Orica GreenEdge
22. Danilo Wyss (Sui) BMC Racing Team 0:00:11
23. Sep Vanmarcke (Bel) Team LottoNL-Jumbo
24. Winner Anacona (Col) Movistar Team
25. Moreno Moser (Ita) Cannondale-Garmin Pro Cycling Team 0:00:12
26. Philippe Gilbert (Bel) BMC Racing Team
27. Daniele Bennati (Ita) Tinkoff-Saxo
28. Jurgen Roelandts (Bel) Lotto Soudal
29. Matteo Trentin (Ita) Etixx – Quick-Step
30. Kanstantsin Siutsou (Blr) Team Sky
31. Dries Devenyns (Bel) IAM Cycling 0:00:14
32. Jakob Fuglsang (Den) Astana Pro Team
33. Marco Marcato (Ita) Wanty – Groupe Gobert
34. Damien Gaudin (Fra) AG2R La Mondiale 0:00:15
35. Michael Valgren Andersen (Den) Tinkoff-Saxo
36. John Degenkolb (Ger) Team Giant-Alpecin
37. Vegard Breen (Nor) Lotto Soudal 0:00:16
38. Paul Martens (Ger) Team LottoNL-Jumbo
39. Mark Cavendish (Gbr) Etixx – Quick-Step
40. Mike Teunissen (Ned) Team LottoNL-Jumbo
41. Thibaut Pinot (Fra) FDJ.fr
42. Alexey Lutsenko (Kaz) Astana Pro Team
43. Alexander Kristoff (Nor) Team Katusha
44. Borut Bozic (Slo) Astana Pro Team 0:00:17
45. Jasper Stuyven (Bel) Trek Factory Racing
46. Jose Joaquin Rojas (Esp) Movistar Team
47. Matthieu Ladagnous (Fra) FDJ.fr
48. Daniel Moreno Fernandez (Esp) Team Katusha
49. Jan Bakelants (Bel) AG2R La Mondiale
50. Jérémy Roy (Fra) FDJ.fr
51. Svein Tuft (Can) Orica GreenEdge
52. Danny Pate (USA) Team Sky
53. Mathew Hayman (Aus) Orica GreenEdge
54. Michal Golas (Pol) Etixx – Quick-Step 0:00:18
55. Larry Warbasse (USA) IAM Cycling
56. Sébastien Turgot (Fra) AG2R La Mondiale
57. Christian Knees (Ger) Team Sky
58. Enrico Gasparotto (Ita) Wanty – Groupe Gobert
59. Domenico Pozzovivo (Ita) AG2R La Mondiale 0:00:19
60. Arnaud Demare (Fra) FDJ.fr
61. Thomas De Gendt (Bel) Lotto Soudal
62. Igor Anton (Esp) Movistar Team
63. Stijn Devolder (Bel) Trek Factory Racing
64. Sébastien Reichenbach (Sui) IAM Cycling
65. Simon Spilak (Slo) Team Katusha
66. William Bonnet (Fra) FDJ.fr 0:00:20
67. Rafal Majka (Pol) Tinkoff-Saxo
68. Grégory Rast (Sui) Trek Factory Racing
69. Georg Preidler (Aut) Team Giant-Alpecin
70. Maxime Monfort (Bel) Lotto Soudal
71. Jasper De Buyst (Bel) Lotto Soudal
72. Gianluca Brambilla (Ita) Etixx – Quick-Step
73. Michal Kwiatkowski (Pol) Etixx – Quick-Step 0:00:21
74. Valerio Agnoli (Ita) Astana Pro Team
75. Ben Hermans (Bel) BMC Racing Team 0:00:22
76. Sergio Luis Henao (Col) Team Sky
77. Robert Gesink (Ned) Team LottoNL-Jumbo
78. Julien Vermote (Bel) Etixx – Quick-Step
79. Jurgen Van Den Broeck (Bel) Lotto Soudal
80. Mark Renshaw (Aus) Etixx – Quick-Step 0:00:23
81. Bert Lindeman (Ned) Team LottoNL-Jumbo
82. Stefan Schumacher (Ger) CCC Sprandi Polkowice
83. Pavel Brutt (Rus) Tinkoff-Saxo
84. Jérôme Baugnies (Bel) Wanty – Groupe Gobert
85. Francis De Greef (Bel) Wanty – Groupe Gobert
86. Marco Haller (Aut) Team Katusha
87. Julian Arredondo (Col) Trek Factory Racing
88. Warren Barguil (Fra) Team Giant-Alpecin 0:00:24
89. Viacheslav Kuznetsov (Rus) Team Katusha
90. Koen De Kort (Ned) Team Giant-Alpecin
91. Jonathan Fumeaux (Sui) IAM Cycling
92. Michael Morkov (Den) Tinkoff-Saxo
93. Simon Clarke (Aus) Orica GreenEdge 0:00:25
94. Dmitrii Kozonchuk (Rus) Team Katusha
95. Alberto Bettiol (Ita) Cannondale-Garmin Pro Cycling Team
96. Eros Capecchi (Ita) Movistar Team
97. Jacopo Guarnieri (Ita) Team Katusha 0:00:26
98. Daniil Fominykh (Kaz) Astana Pro Team
99. Miguel Angel Lopez (Col) Astana Pro Team
100. Przemyslaw Niemiec (Pol) Lampre-Merida 0:00:27
101. David Lopez (Esp) Team Sky
102. Nikolay Trusov (Rus) Tinkoff-Saxo
103. Manuel Senni (Ita) BMC Racing Team
104. Matti Breschel (Den) Tinkoff-Saxo 0:00:28
105. Frank Schleck (Lux) Trek Factory Racing
106. Sébastien Chavanel (Fra) FDJ.fr
107. Thomas Leezer (Ned) Team LottoNL-Jumbo
108. Arthur Vichot (Fra) FDJ.fr
109. Davide Rebellin (Ita) CCC Sprandi Polkowice 0:00:29
110. Esteban Chaves (Col) Orica GreenEdge
111. Sergey Lagutin (Rus) Team Katusha
112. Valerio Conti (Ita) Lampre-Merida
113. Davide Malacarne (Ita) Astana Pro Team
114. Stefan Denifl (Aut) IAM Cycling
115. Kenny De Haes (Bel) Lotto Soudal
116. Branislau Samoilau (Blr) CCC Sprandi Polkowice 0:00:30
117. Frederik Backaert (Bel) Wanty – Groupe Gobert
118. Matej Mohoric (Slo) Cannondale-Garmin Pro Cycling Team
119. Mirko Selvaggi (Ita) Wanty – Groupe Gobert
120. Tom Van Asbroeck (Bel) Team LottoNL-Jumbo
121. Bernhard Eisel (Aut) Team Sky 0:00:31
122. Blel Kadri (Fra) AG2R La Mondiale
123. Simone Antonini (Ita) Wanty – Groupe Gobert
124. Sylwester Szmyd (Pol) CCC Sprandi Polkowice
125. Marek Rutkiewicz (Pol) CCC Sprandi Polkowice 0:00:32
126. Niccolo Bonifazio (Ita) Lampre-Merida
127. Johannes Fröhlinger (Ger) Team Giant-Alpecin
128. Luka Pibernik (Slo) Lampre-Merida
129. Kristijan Durasek (Cro) Lampre-Merida
130. Carter Jones (USA) Team Giant-Alpecin 0:00:33
131. Davide Cimolai (Ita) Lampre-Merida
132. Grega Bole (Slo) CCC Sprandi Polkowice
133. Laurent Didier (Lux) Trek Factory Racing
134. Alex Howes (USA) Cannondale-Garmin Pro Cycling Team
135. Sébastien Minard (Fra) AG2R La Mondiale
136. Mario Costa (Por) Lampre-Merida
137. Axel Domont (Fra) AG2R La Mondiale 0:00:34
138. Darwin Atapuma Hurtado (Col) BMC Racing Team
139. Laurens Ten Dam (Ned) Team LottoNL-Jumbo
140. Marco Minnaard (Ned) Wanty – Groupe Gobert 0:00:35
141. Lars Petter Nordhaug (Nor) Team Sky
142. Bakhtiyar Kozhatayev (Kaz) Astana Pro Team 0:00:36
143. Sander Armee (Bel) Lotto Soudal 0:00:37
144. Joseph Lloyd Dombrowski (USA) Cannondale-Garmin Pro Cycling Team
145. Jan Hirt (Cze) CCC Sprandi Polkowice
146. Guillaume Bonnafond (Fra) AG2R La Mondiale 0:00:38
147. Thomas Danielson (USA) Cannondale-Garmin Pro Cycling Team 0:00:40
148. Andre Cardoso (Por) Cannondale-Garmin Pro Cycling Team 0:00:42
149. Gang Xu (Chn) Lampre-Merida 0:00:44
150. Adrian Honkisz (Pol) CCC Sprandi Polkowice 0:00:45
151. Javier Moreno (Esp) Movistar Team 0:01:11
152. Silvan Dillier (Sui) BMC Racing Team 0:01:22

Stage 2 – June 4 – Risch-Rotkreuz – 161.1km
1. Kristijan Durasek (Cro) Lampre-Merida 3:36:52
2. Daniel Moreno Fernandez (Esp) Team Katusha 0:00:04
3. Julian Arredondo (Col) Trek Factory Racing
4. Thibaut Pinot (Fra) FDJ.fr
5. Geraint Thomas (Gbr) Team Sky
6. Simon Spilak (Slo) Team Katusha
7. Miguel Angel Lopez (Col) Astana Pro Team
8. Jakob Fuglsang (Den) Astana Pro Team
9. Tom Dumoulin (Ned) Team Giant-Alpecin
10. Peter Sagan (Svk) Tinkoff-Saxo 0:00:14
11. Ben Hermans (Bel) BMC Racing Team
12. Bob Jungels (Lux) Trek Factory Racing
13. Winner Anacona (Col) Movistar Team
14. Robert Gesink (Ned) Team LottoNL-Jumbo
15. Steve Morabito (Sui) FDJ.fr
16. Sébastien Reichenbach (Sui) IAM Cycling
17. Esteban Chaves (Col) Orica GreenEdge
18. Domenico Pozzovivo (Ita) AG2R La Mondiale
19. Alexey Lutsenko (Kaz) Astana Pro Team 0:01:01
20. Michael Albasini (Sui) Orica GreenEdge
21. Jose Joaquin Rojas (Esp) Movistar Team
22. Enrico Gasparotto (Ita) Wanty – Groupe Gobert
23. Martin Elmiger (Sui) IAM Cycling
24. Valerio Conti (Ita) Lampre-Merida
25. Greg Van Avermaet (Bel) BMC Racing Team
26. Jan Bakelants (Bel) AG2R La Mondiale
27. Davide Rebellin (Ita) CCC Sprandi Polkowice
28. Przemyslaw Niemiec (Pol) Lampre-Merida
29. Gianluca Brambilla (Ita) Etixx – Quick-Step
30. Jurgen Van Den Broeck (Bel) Lotto Soudal
31. Kanstantsin Siutsou (Blr) Team Sky
32. Francis De Greef (Bel) Wanty – Groupe Gobert
33. Sergio Luis Henao (Col) Team Sky
34. Eros Capecchi (Ita) Movistar Team
35. David Lopez (Esp) Team Sky
36. Laurens Ten Dam (Ned) Team LottoNL-Jumbo 0:01:05
37. Rafal Majka (Pol) Tinkoff-Saxo
38. Ion Izagirre (Esp) Movistar Team
39. Stefan Schumacher (Ger) CCC Sprandi Polkowice 0:02:19
40. Thomas Danielson (USA) Cannondale-Garmin Pro Cycling Team
41. Frank Schleck (Lux) Trek Factory Racing
42. Luka Pibernik (Slo) Lampre-Merida
43. Darwin Atapuma Hurtado (Col) BMC Racing Team
44. Mirko Selvaggi (Ita) Wanty – Groupe Gobert
45. Manuel Senni (Ita) BMC Racing Team
46. Andre Cardoso (Por) Cannondale-Garmin Pro Cycling Team
47. Warren Barguil (Fra) Team Giant-Alpecin
48. Silvan Dillier (Sui) BMC Racing Team 0:05:35
49. Michael Valgren Andersen (Den) Tinkoff-Saxo
50. Philippe Gilbert (Bel) BMC Racing Team
51. Danilo Wyss (Sui) BMC Racing Team
52. Marco Minnaard (Ned) Wanty – Groupe Gobert
53. Joseph Lloyd Dombrowski (USA) Cannondale-Garmin Pro Cycling Team
54. Jan Hirt (Cze) CCC Sprandi Polkowice
55. Larry Warbasse (USA) IAM Cycling
56. Jonathan Fumeaux (Sui) IAM Cycling
57. Daryl Impey (RSA) Orica GreenEdge
58. Cameron Meyer (Aus) Orica GreenEdge
59. Igor Anton (Esp) Movistar Team
60. Jérémy Roy (Fra) FDJ.fr
61. Mario Costa (Por) Lampre-Merida
62. Julien Vermote (Bel) Etixx – Quick-Step
63. Matteo Trentin (Ita) Etixx – Quick-Step
64. Adrian Honkisz (Pol) CCC Sprandi Polkowice
65. Branislau Samoilau (Blr) CCC Sprandi Polkowice
66. Michal Golas (Pol) Etixx – Quick-Step
67. Sylwester Szmyd (Pol) CCC Sprandi Polkowice
68. Maxime Monfort (Bel) Lotto Soudal 0:07:18
69. Christian Knees (Ger) Team Sky
70. Laurent Didier (Lux) Trek Factory Racing
71. Francisco Ventoso (Esp) Movistar Team
72. Frederik Backaert (Bel) Wanty – Groupe Gobert
73. Nikias Arndt (Ger) Team Giant-Alpecin
74. Stefan Denifl (Aut) IAM Cycling
75. Guillaume Bonnafond (Fra) AG2R La Mondiale
76. Dmitrii Kozonchuk (Rus) Team Katusha
77. Matthieu Ladagnous (Fra) FDJ.fr
78. Vegard Breen (Nor) Lotto Soudal
79. Jerome Coppel (Fra) IAM Cycling
80. Matti Breschel (Den) Tinkoff-Saxo
81. Michael Morkov (Den) Tinkoff-Saxo
82. Dries Devenyns (Bel) IAM Cycling
83. Zdenek Stybar (Cze) Etixx – Quick-Step 0:10:13
84. Jean-Pierre Drucker (Lux) BMC Racing Team
85. Marek Rutkiewicz (Pol) CCC Sprandi Polkowice
86. Michal Kwiatkowski (Pol) Etixx – Quick-Step
87. Thomas De Gendt (Bel) Lotto Soudal
88. Jérôme Baugnies (Bel) Wanty – Groupe Gobert
89. Grégory Rast (Sui) Trek Factory Racing
90. John Degenkolb (Ger) Team Giant-Alpecin
91. Marco Haller (Aut) Team Katusha
92. Carter Jones (USA) Team Giant-Alpecin
93. Adriano Malori (Ita) Movistar Team
94. Valerio Agnoli (Ita) Astana Pro Team
95. Axel Domont (Fra) AG2R La Mondiale
96. Simon Clarke (Aus) Orica GreenEdge
97. Michael Matthews (Aus) Orica GreenEdge
98. Paul Martens (Ger) Team LottoNL-Jumbo
99. Matej Mohoric (Slo) Cannondale-Garmin Pro Cycling Team
100. Sep Vanmarcke (Bel) Team LottoNL-Jumbo
101. Jurgen Roelandts (Bel) Lotto Soudal
102. Sébastien Turgot (Fra) AG2R La Mondiale
103. Damien Gaudin (Fra) AG2R La Mondiale
104. Alberto Bettiol (Ita) Cannondale-Garmin Pro Cycling Team
105. Marco Marcato (Ita) Wanty – Groupe Gobert
106. Daniil Fominykh (Kaz) Astana Pro Team
107. Viacheslav Kuznetsov (Rus) Team Katusha
108. Alex Howes (USA) Cannondale-Garmin Pro Cycling Team 0:13:19
109. Mark Renshaw (Aus) Etixx – Quick-Step
110. Mark Cavendish (Gbr) Etixx – Quick-Step
111. Bert Lindeman (Ned) Team LottoNL-Jumbo
112. Mike Teunissen (Ned) Team LottoNL-Jumbo
113. Johannes Fröhlinger (Ger) Team Giant-Alpecin
114. Mathew Hayman (Aus) Orica GreenEdge
115. Georg Preidler (Aut) Team Giant-Alpecin
116. Benjamin King (USA) Cannondale-Garmin Pro Cycling Team
117. Nikolay Trusov (Rus) Tinkoff-Saxo
118. Koen De Kort (Ned) Team Giant-Alpecin
119. Kenny De Haes (Bel) Lotto Soudal
120. Jasper De Buyst (Bel) Lotto Soudal
121. Moreno Moser (Ita) Cannondale-Garmin Pro Cycling Team
122. Daniele Bennati (Ita) Tinkoff-Saxo
123. Fabian Cancellara (Sui) Trek Factory Racing
124. Sébastien Minard (Fra) AG2R La Mondiale
125. Simone Antonini (Ita) Wanty – Groupe Gobert
126. Sébastien Chavanel (Fra) FDJ.fr
127. Blel Kadri (Fra) AG2R La Mondiale
128. Pavel Brutt (Rus) Tinkoff-Saxo
129. Niccolo Bonifazio (Ita) Lampre-Merida
130. Grega Bole (Slo) CCC Sprandi Polkowice
131. William Bonnet (Fra) FDJ.fr 0:15:46
132. Jacopo Guarnieri (Ita) Team Katusha
133. Davide Cimolai (Ita) Lampre-Merida
134. Stijn Devolder (Bel) Trek Factory Racing
135. Jasper Stuyven (Bel) Trek Factory Racing
136. Bakhtiyar Kozhatayev (Kaz) Astana Pro Team
137. Danny Pate (USA) Team Sky
138. Sander Armee (Bel) Lotto Soudal
139. Borut Bozic (Slo) Astana Pro Team
140. Sergey Lagutin (Rus) Team Katusha
141. Arnaud Demare (Fra) FDJ.fr
142. Alexander Kristoff (Nor) Team Katusha
143. Lars Petter Nordhaug (Nor) Team Sky
144. Gang Xu (Chn) Lampre-Merida
145. Tom Van Asbroeck (Bel) Team LottoNL-Jumbo
146. Thomas Leezer (Ned) Team LottoNL-Jumbo
147. Matthias Brandle (Aut) IAM Cycling
148. Bernhard Eisel (Aut) Team Sky
149. Svein Tuft (Can) Orica GreenEdge
150. Davide Malacarne (Ita) Astana Pro Team
151. Arthur Vichot (Fra) FDJ.fr
DNS Javier Moreno (Esp) Movistar Team

Stage 3 – June 15 – Quinto to Olivone – 117.3km
1. Peter Sagan (Svk) Tinkoff-Saxo 3:00:35
2. Daniel Moreno Fernandez (Esp) Team Katusha
3. Thibaut Pinot (Fra) FDJ.fr
4. Julian Arredondo (Col) Trek Factory Racing
5. Tom Dumoulin (Ned) Team Giant-Alpecin
6. Geraint Thomas (Gbr) Team Sky
7. Jakob Fuglsang (Den) Astana Pro Team
8. Esteban Chaves (Col) Orica GreenEdge
9. Sergio Luis Henao (Col) Team Sky
10. Jose Joaquin Rojas (Esp) Movistar Team
11. Jan Bakelants (Bel) AG2R La Mondiale
12. Davide Rebellin (Ita) CCC Sprandi Polkowice
13. Simon Spilak (Slo) Team Katusha
14. Robert Gesink (Ned) Team LottoNL-Jumbo
15. Domenico Pozzovivo (Ita) AG2R La Mondiale
16. Sébastien Reichenbach (Sui) IAM Cycling
17. Kristijan Durasek (Cro) Lampre-Merida
18. Michael Matthews (Aus) Orica GreenEdge
19. Valerio Conti (Ita) Lampre-Merida
20. Miguel Angel Lopez (Col) Astana Pro Team
21. Jurgen Van Den Broeck (Bel) Lotto Soudal
22. Bob Jungels (Lux) Trek Factory Racing
23. Gianluca Brambilla (Ita) Etixx – Quick-Step
24. Ben Hermans (Bel) BMC Racing Team
25. Warren Barguil (Fra) Team Giant-Alpecin
26. Steve Morabito (Sui) FDJ.fr
27. Frank Schleck (Lux) Trek Factory Racing
28. Kanstantsin Siutsou (Blr) Team Sky
29. Winner Anacona (Col) Movistar Team
30. Laurens Ten Dam (Ned) Team LottoNL-Jumbo
31. Rafal Majka (Pol) Tinkoff-Saxo
32. Jerome Coppel (Fra) IAM Cycling 0:00:13
33. Alexey Lutsenko (Kaz) Astana Pro Team 0:01:19
34. Enrico Gasparotto (Ita) Wanty – Groupe Gobert 0:01:22
35. Daryl Impey (RSA) Orica GreenEdge
36. Joseph Lloyd Dombrowski (USA) Cannondale-Garmin Pro Cycling Team
37. Greg Van Avermaet (Bel) BMC Racing Team
38. Maxime Monfort (Bel) Lotto Soudal
39. Francis De Greef (Bel) Wanty – Groupe Gobert
40. Przemyslaw Niemiec (Pol) Lampre-Merida
41. Darwin Atapuma Hurtado (Col) BMC Racing Team
42. Moreno Moser (Ita) Cannondale-Garmin Pro Cycling Team
43. Branislau Samoilau (Blr) CCC Sprandi Polkowice
44. David Lopez (Esp) Team Sky
45. Jérémy Roy (Fra) FDJ.fr 0:02:56
46. Marco Minnaard (Ned) Wanty – Groupe Gobert
47. Larry Warbasse (USA) IAM Cycling
48. Manuel Senni (Ita) BMC Racing Team
49. Michael Albasini (Sui) Orica GreenEdge 0:03:30
50. Stefan Denifl (Aut) IAM Cycling 0:04:06
51. Matej Mohoric (Slo) Cannondale-Garmin Pro Cycling Team
52. Stefan Schumacher (Ger) CCC Sprandi Polkowice 0:04:54
53. Igor Anton (Esp) Movistar Team
54. Christian Knees (Ger) Team Sky 0:05:04
55. Grega Bole (Slo) CCC Sprandi Polkowice
56. Francisco Ventoso (Esp) Movistar Team
57. Axel Domont (Fra) AG2R La Mondiale 0:05:29
58. Julien Vermote (Bel) Etixx – Quick-Step 0:08:48
59. Matteo Trentin (Ita) Etixx – Quick-Step
60. Luka Pibernik (Slo) Lampre-Merida
61. Michael Valgren Andersen (Den) Tinkoff-Saxo
62. Guillaume Bonnafond (Fra) AG2R La Mondiale
63. Georg Preidler (Aut) Team Giant-Alpecin
64. Paul Martens (Ger) Team LottoNL-Jumbo
65. Frederik Backaert (Bel) Wanty – Groupe Gobert
66. Thomas De Gendt (Bel) Lotto Soudal
67. Michal Golas (Pol) Etixx – Quick-Step
68. Silvan Dillier (Sui) BMC Racing Team
69. Martin Elmiger (Sui) IAM Cycling
70. Sébastien Turgot (Fra) AG2R La Mondiale
71. Andre Cardoso (Por) Cannondale-Garmin Pro Cycling Team
72. Sylwester Szmyd (Pol) CCC Sprandi Polkowice
73. Jonathan Fumeaux (Sui) IAM Cycling
74. Thomas Danielson (USA) Cannondale-Garmin Pro Cycling Team
75. Laurent Didier (Lux) Trek Factory Racing
76. Jasper Stuyven (Bel) Trek Factory Racing
77. Adrian Honkisz (Pol) CCC Sprandi Polkowice
78. Matthieu Ladagnous (Fra) FDJ.fr
79. Jan Hirt (Cze) CCC Sprandi Polkowice
80. Adriano Malori (Ita) Movistar Team
81. Ion Izagirre (Esp) Movistar Team
82. Cameron Meyer (Aus) Orica GreenEdge 0:10:30
83. Simon Clarke (Aus) Orica GreenEdge
84. Davide Malacarne (Ita) Astana Pro Team 0:10:45
85. Mathew Hayman (Aus) Orica GreenEdge
86. Danilo Wyss (Sui) BMC Racing Team
87. Vegard Breen (Nor) Lotto Soudal
88. Benjamin King (USA) Cannondale-Garmin Pro Cycling Team 0:13:13
89. Alex Howes (USA) Cannondale-Garmin Pro Cycling Team
90. Matti Breschel (Den) Tinkoff-Saxo
91. Mirko Selvaggi (Ita) Wanty – Groupe Gobert
92. Valerio Agnoli (Ita) Astana Pro Team
93. Marco Marcato (Ita) Wanty – Groupe Gobert
94. Koen De Kort (Ned) Team Giant-Alpecin
95. Nikias Arndt (Ger) Team Giant-Alpecin
96. Philippe Gilbert (Bel) BMC Racing Team
97. Jean-Pierre Drucker (Lux) BMC Racing Team
98. Zdenek Stybar (Cze) Etixx – Quick-Step
99. Michal Kwiatkowski (Pol) Etixx – Quick-Step
100. Bakhtiyar Kozhatayev (Kaz) Astana Pro Team
101. Dries Devenyns (Bel) IAM Cycling
102. Sébastien Minard (Fra) AG2R La Mondiale
103. Damien Gaudin (Fra) AG2R La Mondiale
104. Jasper De Buyst (Bel) Lotto Soudal
105. John Degenkolb (Ger) Team Giant-Alpecin
106. Lars Petter Nordhaug (Nor) Team Sky
107. Bernhard Eisel (Aut) Team Sky 0:17:02
108. Fabian Cancellara (Sui) Trek Factory Racing
109. Marco Haller (Aut) Team Katusha
110. Johannes Fröhlinger (Ger) Team Giant-Alpecin
111. Stijn Devolder (Bel) Trek Factory Racing
112. Mario Costa (Por) Lampre-Merida
113. Jacopo Guarnieri (Ita) Team Katusha
114. Grégory Rast (Sui) Trek Factory Racing
115. Borut Bozic (Slo) Astana Pro Team
116. Carter Jones (USA) Team Giant-Alpecin
117. Gang Xu (Chn) Lampre-Merida
118. Marek Rutkiewicz (Pol) CCC Sprandi Polkowice
119. Viacheslav Kuznetsov (Rus) Team Katusha
120. Alberto Bettiol (Ita) Cannondale-Garmin Pro Cycling Team
121. Jérôme Baugnies (Bel) Wanty – Groupe Gobert
122. Simone Antonini (Ita) Wanty – Groupe Gobert
123. Alexander Kristoff (Nor) Team Katusha
124. Mark Renshaw (Aus) Etixx – Quick-Step
125. Sébastien Chavanel (Fra) FDJ.fr
126. Davide Cimolai (Ita) Lampre-Merida
127. William Bonnet (Fra) FDJ.fr
128. Arnaud Demare (Fra) FDJ.fr
129. Matthias Brandle (Aut) IAM Cycling
130. Niccolo Bonifazio (Ita) Lampre-Merida
131. Eros Capecchi (Ita) Movistar Team
132. Sergey Lagutin (Rus) Team Katusha
133. Nikolay Trusov (Rus) Tinkoff-Saxo
134. Mike Teunissen (Ned) Team LottoNL-Jumbo
135. Sep Vanmarcke (Bel) Team LottoNL-Jumbo
136. Jurgen Roelandts (Bel) Lotto Soudal
137. Thomas Leezer (Ned) Team LottoNL-Jumbo
138. Kenny De Haes (Bel) Lotto Soudal
139. Sander Armee (Bel) Lotto Soudal
140. Pavel Brutt (Rus) Tinkoff-Saxo
141. Dmitrii Kozonchuk (Rus) Team Katusha
142. Tom Van Asbroeck (Bel) Team LottoNL-Jumbo
143. Bert Lindeman (Ned) Team LottoNL-Jumbo
144. Daniil Fominykh (Kaz) Astana Pro Team
145. Blel Kadri (Fra) AG2R La Mondiale
146. Michael Morkov (Den) Tinkoff-Saxo
147. Daniele Bennati (Ita) Tinkoff-Saxo
148. Mark Cavendish (Gbr) Etixx – Quick-Step
149. Arthur Vichot (Fra) FDJ.fr
150. Danny Pate (USA) Team Sky
151. Svein Tuft (Can) Orica GreenEdge

Stage 4 – June 16 –  Flims Laax Falera to Schwarzenbach SG – 193.2km

1. Michael Matthews (Aus) Orica GreenEdge 4:36:00
2. Peter Sagan (Svk) Tinkoff-Saxo
3. Greg Van Avermaet (Bel) BMC Racing Team
4. John Degenkolb (Ger) Team Giant-Alpecin
5. Jasper Stuyven (Bel) Trek Factory Racing
6. Daniel Moreno Fernandez (Esp) Team Katusha
7. Silvan Dillier (Sui) BMC Racing Team
8. Thibaut Pinot (Fra) FDJ.fr
9. Matteo Trentin (Ita) Etixx -Quick-Step
10. Robert Gesink (Ned) Team LottoNL-Jumbo
11. Tom Dumoulin (Ned) Team Giant-Alpecin
12. Enrico Gasparotto (Ita) Wanty -Groupe Gobert
13. Jakob Fuglsang (Den) Astana Pro Team
14. Warren Barguil (Fra) Team Giant-Alpecin
15. Julian Arredondo (Col) Trek Factory Racing
16. Sergio Luis Henao (Col) Team Sky
17. Ben Hermans (Bel) BMC Racing Team
18. Sep Vanmarcke (Bel) Team LottoNL-Jumbo
19. Esteban Chaves (Col) Orica GreenEdge
20. Steve Morabito (Sui) FDJ.fr
21. Sébastien Reichenbach (Sui) IAM Cycling
22. Miguel Angel Lopez (Col) Astana Pro Team
23. Alexey Lutsenko (Kaz) Astana Pro Team
24. Simon Spilak (Slo) Team Katusha
25. Davide Rebellin (Ita) CCC Sprandi Polkowice
26. Gianluca Brambilla (Ita) Etixx -Quick-Step
27. Winner Anacona (Col) Movistar Team
28. Geraint Thomas (GBr) Team Sky
29. Kristijan Durasek (Cro) Lampre-Merida
30. Bob Jungels (Lux) Trek Factory Racing
31. Jurgen Van Den Broeck (Bel) Lotto Soudal
32. Francis De Greef (Bel) Wanty -Groupe Gobert
33. Marco Minnaard (Ned) Wanty -Groupe Gobert
34. Andre Cardoso (Por) Cannondale-Garmin Pro Cycling Team
35. Joseph Lloyd Dombrowski (USA) Cannondale-Garmin Pro Cycling Team
36. Jan Bakelants (Bel) AG2R La Mondiale
37. Kanstantsin Siutsou (Blr) Team Sky
38. Viacheslav Kuznetsov (Rus) Team Katusha
39. Michal Golas (Pol) Etixx -Quick-Step
40. Domenico Pozzovivo (Ita) AG2R La Mondiale
41. Julien Vermote (Bel) Etixx -Quick-Step 0:40
42. Daryl Impey (Rsa) Orica GreenEdge 0:50
43. Laurens Ten Dam (Ned) Team LottoNL-Jumbo 0:51
44. Rafal Majka (Pol) Tinkoff-Saxo
45. Larry Warbasse (USA) IAM Cycling
46. Frank Schleck (Lux) Trek Factory Racing
47. Marco Haller (Aut) Team Katusha 1:18
48. Michael Albasini (Sui) Orica GreenEdge
49. Jose Joaquin Rojas (Esp) Movistar Team
50. Marco Marcato (Ita) Wanty -Groupe Gobert 2:04
51. Nikias Arndt (Ger) Team Giant-Alpecin 2:14
52. Valerio Agnoli (Ita) Astana Pro Team 2:37
53. Mirko Selvaggi (Ita) Wanty -Groupe Gobert
54. Daniele Bennati (Ita) Tinkoff-Saxo
55. Darwin Atapuma Hurtado (Col) BMC Racing Team
56. Luka Pibernik (Slo) Lampre-Merida
57. Borut Bozic (Slo) Astana Pro Team
58. Sergey Lagutin (Rus) Team Katusha
59. Valerio Conti (Ita) Lampre-Merida
60. Christian Knees (Ger) Team Sky
61. Martin Elmiger (Sui) IAM Cycling
62. Jan Hirt (Cze) CCC Sprandi Polkowice
63. Michael Valgren Andersen (Den) Tinkoff-Saxo
64. Benjamin King (USA) Cannondale-Garmin Pro Cycling Team
65. Jonathan Fumeaux (Sui) IAM Cycling
66. Sylwester Szmyd (Pol) CCC Sprandi Polkowice
67. Michal Kwiatkowski (Pol) Etixx -Quick-Step
68. Eros Capecchi (Ita) Movistar Team
69. Maxime Monfort (Bel) Lotto Soudal
70. Guillaume Bonnafond (Fra) AG2R La Mondiale 3:21
71. Paul Martens (Ger) Team LottoNL-Jumbo 4:08
72. Michael Morkov (Den) Tinkoff-Saxo
73. Vegard Breen (Nor) Lotto Soudal
74. Thomas Danielson (USA) Cannondale-Garmin Pro Cycling Team
75. Zdenek Stybar (Cze) Etixx -Quick-Step
76. Jerome Coppel (Fra) IAM Cycling
77. Dmitrii Kozonchuk (Rus) Team Katusha
78. Matthieu Ladagnous (Fra) FDJ.fr 4:49
79. Jérémy Roy (Fra) FDJ.fr
80. Danilo Wyss (Sui) BMC Racing Team 5:13
81. Simon Clarke (Aus) Orica GreenEdge 6:42
82. Thomas De Gendt (Bel) Lotto Soudal 8:15
83. Bert Lindeman (Ned) Team LottoNL-Jumbo
84. Bakhtiyar Kozhatayev (Kaz) Astana Pro Team
85. Matthias Brandle (Aut) IAM Cycling
86. Sander Armee (Bel) Lotto Soudal
87. Koen De Kort (Ned) Team Giant-Alpecin
88. Johannes Fröhlinger (Ger) Team Giant-Alpecin
89. Branislau Samoilau (Blr) CCC Sprandi Polkowice
90. Georg Preidler (Aut) Team Giant-Alpecin
91. Thomas Leezer (Ned) Team LottoNL-Jumbo
92. Francisco Ventoso (Esp) Movistar Team
93. Adriano Malori (Ita) Movistar Team
94. Grégory Rast (Sui) Trek Factory Racing
95. Laurent Didier (Lux) Trek Factory Racing
96. Matti Breschel (Den) Tinkoff-Saxo
97. Alberto Bettiol (Ita) Cannondale-Garmin Pro Cycling Team
98. Axel Domont (Fra) AG2R La Mondiale
99. Damien Gaudin (Fra) AG2R La Mondiale
100. Sébastien Minard (Fra) AG2R La Mondiale
101. Moreno Moser (Ita) Cannondale-Garmin Pro Cycling Team
102. Jasper De Buyst (Bel) Lotto Soudal
103. Fabian Cancellara (Sui) Trek Factory Racing 0:13:40
104. Cameron Meyer (Aus) Orica GreenEdge
105. Mark Cavendish (GBr) Etixx -Quick-Step 0:16:49
106. Lars Petter Nordhaug (Nor) Team Sky
107. Mario Costa (Por) Lampre-Merida
108. Matej Mohoric (Slo) Cannondale-Garmin Pro Cycling Team
109. Stijn Devolder (Bel) Trek Factory Racing
110. William Bonnet (Fra) FDJ.fr
111. Sébastien Turgot (Fra) AG2R La Mondiale
112. Marek Rutkiewicz (Pol) CCC Sprandi Polkowice
113. Grega Bole (Slo) CCC Sprandi Polkowice
114. Adrian Honkisz (Pol) CCC Sprandi Polkowice
115. Davide Cimolai (Ita) Lampre-Merida
116. Simone Antonini (Ita) Wanty -Groupe Gobert
117. Manuel Senni (Ita) BMC Racing Team
118. Sébastien Chavanel (Fra) FDJ.fr
119. Daniil Fominykh (Kaz) Astana Pro Team
120. Jacopo Guarnieri (Ita) Team Katusha
121. Mark Renshaw (Aus) Etixx -Quick-Step
122. Dries Devenyns (Bel) IAM Cycling
123. Stefan Schumacher (Ger) CCC Sprandi Polkowice
124. Igor Anton (Esp) Movistar Team
125. David Lopez (Esp) Team Sky
126. Kenny De Haes (Bel) Lotto Soudal
127. Jurgen Roelandts (Bel) Lotto Soudal
128. Tom Van Asbroeck (Bel) Team LottoNL-Jumbo
129. Jean-Pierre Drucker (Lux) BMC Racing Team
130. Davide Malacarne (Ita) Astana Pro Team
131. Przemyslaw Niemiec (Pol) Lampre-Merida
132. Frederik Backaert (Bel) Wanty -Groupe Gobert
133. Carter Jones (USA) Team Giant-Alpecin
134. Stefan Denifl (Aut) IAM Cycling
135. Svein Tuft (Can) Orica GreenEdge  
136. Blel Kadri (Fra) AG2R La Mondiale
137. Alexander Kristoff (Nor) Team Katusha
138. Alex Howes (USA) Cannondale-Garmin Pro Cycling Team
139. Bernhard Eisel (Aut) Team Sky
140. Mathew Hayman (Aus) Orica GreenEdge
141. Nikolay Trusov (Rus) Tinkoff-Saxo
142. Arnaud Demare (Fra) FDJ.fr
143. Mike Teunissen (Ned) Team LottoNL-Jumbo
144. Pavel Brutt (Rus) Tinkoff-Saxo
145. Danny Pate (USA) Team Sky
146. Arthur Vichot (Fra) FDJ.fr
147. Niccolo Bonifazio (Ita) Lampre-Merida
148. Jérôme Baugnies (Bel) Wanty -Groupe Gobert 0:23:12
149. Ion Izagirre (Esp) Movistar Team
DNS Philippe Gilbert (Bel) BMC Racing Team
DNS Gang Xu (Chn) Lampre-Merida

GC after Stage 4

1. Tom Dumoulin (Ned) Team Giant-Alpecin 11:19:09
2. Peter Sagan (Svk) Tinkoff-Saxo
3. Daniel Moreno Fernandez (Esp) Team Katusha 0:08
4. Geraint Thomas (GBr) Team Sky 0:09
5. Thibaut Pinot (Fra) FDJ.fr 0:15
6. Jakob Fuglsang (Den) Astana Pro Team 0:17
7. Steve Morabito (Sui) FDJ.fr 0:18
8. Kristijan Durasek (Cro) Lampre-Merida 0:21
9. Bob Jungels (Lux) Trek Factory Racing 0:22
10. Simon Spilak (Slo) Team Katusha
11. Julian Arredondo (Col) Trek Factory Racing
12. Winner Anacona (Col) Movistar Team 0:24
13. Miguel Angel Lopez (Col) Astana Pro Team 0:29
14. Domenico Pozzovivo (Ita) AG2R La Mondiale 0:32
15. Sébastien Reichenbach (Sui) IAM Cycling
16. Ben Hermans (Bel) BMC Racing Team 0:35
17. Robert Gesink (Ned) Team LottoNL-Jumbo
18. Esteban Chaves (Col) Orica GreenEdge 0:42
19. Kanstantsin Siutsou (Blr) Team Sky 1:12
20. Jose Joaquin Rojas (Esp) Movistar Team 1:17
21. Jan Bakelants (Bel) AG2R La Mondiale
22. Gianluca Brambilla (Ita) Etixx -Quick-Step 1:20
23. Sergio Luis Henao (Col) Team Sky 1:22
24. Jurgen Van Den Broeck (Bel) Lotto Soudal
25. Rafal Majka (Pol) Tinkoff-Saxo 1:24
26. Davide Rebellin (Ita) CCC Sprandi Polkowice 1:29
27. Greg Van Avermaet (Bel) BMC Racing Team 2:22
28. Laurens Ten Dam (Ned) Team LottoNL-Jumbo 2:29
29. Alexey Lutsenko (Kaz) Astana Pro Team 2:32
30. Enrico Gasparotto (Ita) Wanty -Groupe Gobert 2:40
31. Warren Barguil (Fra) Team Giant-Alpecin 2:41
32. Francis De Greef (Bel) Wanty -Groupe Gobert 2:45
33. Frank Schleck (Lux) Trek Factory Racing 2:46
34. Valerio Conti (Ita) Lampre-Merida 4:06
35. Michael Albasini (Sui) Orica GreenEdge 5:57
36. Darwin Atapuma Hurtado (Col) BMC Racing Team 6:51
37. Joseph Lloyd Dombrowski (USA) Cannondale-Garmin Pro Cycling Team 7:33
38. Daryl Impey (Rsa) Orica GreenEdge 7:56
39. Larry Warbasse (USA) IAM Cycling 8:48
40. Marco Minnaard (Ned) Wanty -Groupe Gobert 9:05
41. Michael Matthews (Aus) Orica GreenEdge 0:10:10
42. Maxime Monfort (Bel) Lotto Soudal 0:11:36
43. Jerome Coppel (Fra) IAM Cycling 0:11:47
44. Andre Cardoso (Por) Cannondale-Garmin Pro Cycling Team 0:11:48
45. Martin Elmiger (Sui) IAM Cycling 0:12:34
46. Jérémy Roy (Fra) FDJ.fr 0:13:36
47. Luka Pibernik (Slo) Lampre-Merida 0:14:11
48. Matteo Trentin (Ita) Etixx -Quick-Step 0:14:34
49. Michal Golas (Pol) Etixx -Quick-Step 0:14:40
50. Christian Knees (Ger) Team Sky 0:15:16
51. Julien Vermote (Bel) Etixx -Quick-Step 0:15:24
52. Branislau Samoilau (Blr) CCC Sprandi Polkowice 0:15:38
53. Silvan Dillier (Sui) BMC Racing Team 0:15:44
54. Thomas Danielson (USA) Cannondale-Garmin Pro Cycling Team 0:15:54
55. Michael Valgren Andersen (Den) Tinkoff-Saxo 0:17:14
56. Jonathan Fumeaux (Sui) IAM Cycling 0:17:23
57. Sylwester Szmyd (Pol) CCC Sprandi Polkowice 0:17:30
58. Jan Hirt (Cze) CCC Sprandi Polkowice 0:17:36
59. Mirko Selvaggi (Ita) Wanty -Groupe Gobert 0:18:38
60. Przemyslaw Niemiec (Pol) Lampre-Merida 0:19:38
61. David Lopez (Esp) Team Sky
62. Guillaume Bonnafond (Fra) AG2R La Mondiale 0:24
63. Francisco Ventoso (Esp) Movistar Team 0:20:46
64. Eros Capecchi (Ita) Movistar Team 0:21:04
65. Matthieu Ladagnous (Fra) FDJ.fr 0:21:11
66. Danilo Wyss (Sui) BMC Racing Team 0:21:43
67. Vegard Breen (Nor) Lotto Soudal 0:22:26
68. Manuel Senni (Ita) BMC Racing Team 0:22:30
69. Nikias Arndt (Ger) Team Giant-Alpecin 0:22:54
70. Moreno Moser (Ita) Cannondale-Garmin Pro Cycling Team 0:23:07
71. Paul Martens (Ger) Team LottoNL-Jumbo 0:23:24
72. John Degenkolb (Ger) Team Giant-Alpecin 0:23:40
73. Stefan Schumacher (Ger) CCC Sprandi Polkowice 0:24:24
74. Axel Domont (Fra) AG2R La Mondiale 0:24:30
75. Jasper Stuyven (Bel) Trek Factory Racing 0:24:50
76. Laurent Didier (Lux) Trek Factory Racing 0:24:53
77. Marco Marcato (Ita) Wanty -Groupe Gobert 0:25:37
78. Michal Kwiatkowski (Pol) Etixx -Quick-Step 0:26:23
79. Valerio Agnoli (Ita) Astana Pro Team
80. Adriano Malori (Ita) Movistar Team 0:27:21
81. Sep Vanmarcke (Bel) Team LottoNL-Jumbo 0:27:25
82. Thomas De Gendt (Bel) Lotto Soudal 0:27:33
83. Igor Anton (Esp) Movistar Team 0:27:36
84. Viacheslav Kuznetsov (Rus) Team Katusha 0:27:38
85. Zdenek Stybar (Cze) Etixx -Quick-Step 0:27:43
86. Simon Clarke (Aus) Orica GreenEdge 0:27:49
87. Stefan Denifl (Aut) IAM Cycling 0:28:38
88. Michael Morkov (Den) Tinkoff-Saxo 0:28:51
89. Dmitrii Kozonchuk (Rus) Team Katusha 0:28:52
90. Marco Haller (Aut) Team Katusha 0:28:55
91. Matti Breschel (Den) Tinkoff-Saxo 0:29:11
92. Benjamin King (USA) Cannondale-Garmin Pro Cycling Team 0:29:18
93. Cameron Meyer (Aus) Orica GreenEdge 0:29:46
94. Georg Preidler (Aut) Team Giant-Alpecin 0:30:41
95. Matej Mohoric (Slo) Cannondale-Garmin Pro Cycling Team 0:31:37
96. Damien Gaudin (Fra) AG2R La Mondiale 0:31:55
97. Adrian Honkisz (Pol) CCC Sprandi Polkowice 0:31:56
98. Daniele Bennati (Ita) Tinkoff-Saxo 0:33:09
99. Ion Izagirre (Esp) Movistar Team 0:33:10
100. Frederik Backaert (Bel) Wanty -Groupe Gobert 0:33:24
101. Jasper De Buyst (Bel) Lotto Soudal 0:35:06
102. Koen De Kort (Ned) Team Giant-Alpecin 0:35:10
103. Sébastien Minard (Fra) AG2R La Mondiale 0:35:19
104. Borut Bozic (Slo) Astana Pro Team 0:35:41
105. Grega Bole (Slo) CCC Sprandi Polkowice 0:35:44
106. Grégory Rast (Sui) Trek Factory Racing 0:35:49
107. Sergey Lagutin (Rus) Team Katusha 0:35:53
108. Alberto Bettiol (Ita) Cannondale-Garmin Pro Cycling Team 0:35:54
109. Sébastien Turgot (Fra) AG2R La Mondiale 0:36:07
110. Dries Devenyns (Bel) IAM Cycling 0:37:33
111. Bakhtiyar Kozhatayev (Kaz) Astana Pro Team 0:37:49
112. Bert Lindeman (Ned) Team LottoNL-Jumbo 0:38:58
113. Johannes Fröhlinger (Ger) Team Giant-Alpecin 0:39:07
114. Mario Costa (Por) Lampre-Merida 0:39:58
115. Jean-Pierre Drucker (Lux) BMC Racing Team 0:40:23
116. Matthias Brandle (Aut) IAM Cycling 0:41:06
117. Mathew Hayman (Aus) Orica GreenEdge 0:41:09
118. Thomas Leezer (Ned) Team LottoNL-Jumbo 0:41:30
119. Sander Armee (Bel) Lotto Soudal 0:41:39
120. Davide Malacarne (Ita) Astana Pro Team 0:43:48
121. Alex Howes (USA) Cannondale-Garmin Pro Cycling Team 0:43:50
122. Fabian Cancellara (Sui) Trek Factory Racing 0:44:02
123. Jurgen Roelandts (Bel) Lotto Soudal 0:44:12
124. Daniil Fominykh (Kaz) Astana Pro Team 0:44:29
125. Marek Rutkiewicz (Pol) CCC Sprandi Polkowice 0:44:35
126. Carter Jones (USA) Team Giant-Alpecin 0:44:36
127. Lars Petter Nordhaug (Nor) Team Sky 0:46:22
128. Mark Cavendish (GBr) Etixx -Quick-Step 0:47:25
129. Mike Teunissen (Ned) Team LottoNL-Jumbo
130. Mark Renshaw (Aus) Etixx -Quick-Step 0:47:32
131. Pavel Brutt (Rus) Tinkoff-Saxo
132. Nikolay Trusov (Rus) Tinkoff-Saxo 0:47:36
133. Sébastien Chavanel (Fra) FDJ.fr 0:47:37
134. Kenny De Haes (Bel) Lotto Soudal 0:47:38
135. Blel Kadri (Fra) AG2R La Mondiale 0:47:40
136. Simone Antonini (Ita) Wanty -Groupe Gobert
137. Niccolo Bonifazio (Ita) Lampre-Merida 0:48:01
138. Alexander Kristoff (Nor) Team Katusha 0:49:52
139. Stijn Devolder (Bel) Trek Factory Racing 0:49:53
140. Svein Tuft (Can) Orica GreenEdge  
141. Danny Pate (USA) Team Sky
142. Arnaud Demare (Fra) FDJ.fr 0:49:55
143. William Bonnet (Fra) FDJ.fr 0:49:56
144. Jacopo Guarnieri (Ita) Team Katusha 0:52
145. Arthur Vichot (Fra) FDJ.fr 0:54
146. Tom Van Asbroeck (Bel) Team LottoNL-Jumbo 0:56
147. Bernhard Eisel (Aut) Team Sky 0:57
148. Davide Cimolai (Ita) Lampre-Merida 0:59
149. Jérôme Baugnies (Bel) Wanty -Groupe Gobert 0:50:49

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