Featured Stories

The RealDeal 24hr Track Attack… and YOU

by Ed Veal

February 02, 2019 (London, ON) – As I sit in my hotel room the night before the event on Saturday in London, I cannot help but think about how grateful I am. For my love of sport, for my family, and for all of you. It is so humbling knowing that I am surrounded by a group of incredible people cheering me on both loudly and silently; from near and from afar.

Forest City Velodrome  ©
I wouldn’t be able to do this without all of you. Thank you for continuing to stand behind my crazy-ass ideas and attempts such as this. It will be your faces and voices that will be keeping me going as I near the most painful and mentally draining parts of this endeavor.

I am going to leave you with a couple quotes that resonated with me tonight.

“Perseverance is the hard work you do after you get tired of doing the hard work you already did”.

“Perseverance is not a long race; it is many short races one after the other”.

At 11:11am I will roll off the line at the Forest City Velodrome to try and cover as much distance in a 24-hour period. You must be thinking why would I want to do such a thing and the answer is kids and how much I absolutely love them and this sport.

I will do my best as always and no matter what distance I travel the big win this weekend will be helping an amazing community in London to keep its track open for another season or two.

Our $25,000 target hasn’t been reached yet but I am confident it will as the momentum for this cause continues to build. I thank each and everyone of you who have clicked the GoFundme link and donated. Right now we are sitting at over $18,000 and have had 193 unique people donate. No matter what I do tomorrow on the bike, the amazing overall community support and effort is a “win” in my eyes.

Please follow along on social media. The GoFundMe link is HERE

Click here to support The Real Deal Attacks Forest City Velodrome organi…

How long can you ride? 2 hours? 4 hours? How about 24 hours? This seems like an insurmountable feat…here.

Lastly, I encourage you all to visit the Velodrome in London. If you are unable to this weekend, please lets find a way to make it out there together real soon. We all can’t wait to show it off.

This is not just any wooden track. It’s a project of passion and continues to live on because of a stalwart crews, fabulous fans and events like this. The story is worth the ride and the people are worth meeting. You are part of this project as we journey together to save the Velodrome.

Can’t wait to see you all there.


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