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The CCES and AthletesCAN Call for Action to Address WADA ExCo Bullying Allegation

release by the CCES

October 19, 2018 (Ottawa, ON) – The Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sport (CCES) and AthletesCAN have serious concerns about alleged bullying behaviour by members of the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) Executive Committee brought forward by Olympic Champion and Chair of the WADA Athlete Committee, Beckie Scott. Together, the two organizations call on WADA to commission an independent review of Ms. Scott’s allegations, as well as the practices and norms surrounding the WADA Executive Committee and Foundation Board’s operations.

Canadian Ethics-LogoDuring an interview on October 12 with the BBC, Ms. Scott stated that she was “treated with disrespect and bullied” by senior officials within WADA.

“I was very disturbed to hear that Beckie, representing the athlete voice, was marginalized by fellow WADA EC members,” said Ashley LaBrie, AthletesCAN Executive Director. “Athletes are major stakeholders in sport. They have an inherent right to actively participate in the decision-making processes, and to undermine that is completely unacceptable. Further, retaliatory maltreatment and disrespect of individuals for simply expressing their views is inconsistent with the values of sport and must not be condoned.”

“The WADA Executive Committee should be a place of civil debate and discussion, and those who lead it have a responsibility to ensure it is a safe and professional space for all – especially for those charged with representing the very stakeholders that justify WADA’s existence,” said Paul Melia, President and CEO of the CCES. “The behaviour described by Ms. Scott is inexcusable and, if confirmed, should be met with serious consequences. A proper investigation into the matter is the only responsible path for any organization that receives complaints of this nature from one of its senior volunteers, members or employees.

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