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Ted’s Giro d’Italia Challenge Part 3 – Pre-riding Stage 5

by pedalmag.com
May 08, 2013 (Matera, Italy) – Check out Part 3 of Ted’s Giro d’Italia Challenge as London, Ontario’s Ted Velikonja, a First Vice President at CIBC Wood Gundy, rides the 203km Stage 5 of the Italian grand tour from Consenza to Matera, continuing on his goal to complete all of the Grand Tours, along with his personal domestiques, Pedal‘s Tim Lefebvre and Christopher Balogh.

In this edition of Ted’s Giro d’Italia, we get to join Velikonja, Lefebvre, and Balogh during their pre-ride breakfast, the scoop on Velikonja’s custom Litespeed bike, and their encounter with a fellow maverick traveller whose neatly packed belongings became their view for several kilometers. It was quite an enjoyable and timely pull as they prepared for a climb into the UNESCO Heritage site where Mel Gibson’s Passion was filmed.

The trio are pedaling every kilometer of the Giro d’Italia course a day ahead of the race. Velikonja has already completed the Tour de France and is back on track at the Giro.

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