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Team Canada at Track Worlds – Update

release by the CCA

March 20, 2011 (Apeldoorn, The Netherlands) – We asked Women’s Team Pursuit team riders to comment on the changes in Team Canada for this event including bringing on some new, young riders – Thomas Hums, Scott Mulder & Hugo Barrette – in Men’s Team Sprint; and 18-year-old Jasmin Glaesser and Olympic medalist Clara Hughes on the women’s side of the team.

Stephanie Roorda…on the dynamics of having some new, younger cyclists on the team:
“It’s kind of funny to be considered as one of the older riders, being that I feel like I just started as well but they (Glaesser, Hums, Mulder & Barrette) are a few years younger than me and it’s fun to have them on the team. It’s just a good time having them here and everything with them is so right and I don’t know if it’s because they’re young or just their personalities but they make it fun.”

Laura Brown… on the changes in the Women’s Pursuit Team:
“The Women’s Team Pursuit has almost doubled in size and it just makes the team faster. We’re able to do better training sessions with more people. If someone’s not feeling great, there are more riders to put in. With more people it’s been a really good transition from a small team to a bigger team with more of a rider pool you can always make the fastest team possible.”

Cool video training action HERE.

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