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Steve Bauer Accepts New Role with World Tour Team

release by the National Cycling Institute
Steve Bauer in yellow at the Tour de France  ©  Cor Vos
October 29, 2016 – Steve Bauer is heading back to Europe and his roots in elite cycling with a new role in a top World Tour team starting December 2016. He will be leaving his post as head coach of the National Cycling Institute (NCIM) at that time.

Steve Bauer (l) battles Eddy Planckaert on the cobbles  ©  Cor Vos
Over the past 2 years, Steve has been instrumental in building and shaping  the cycling programs at the Mattamy National Cycling Centre. This included training coaches, creating the certification programs and running both recreational and race programs. More recently, Steve has been helping with the formation of the NCIM which will spearhead new high performance programs focused on youth development.

Steve Bauer  ©  Cycle Sport Management - Steve Bauer Bike Tours
Steve Bauer was testing his form in the elite field  ©  Peter Kraiker
Over the next month, Steve will assist the NCIM to recruit a worthy successor and will remain involved as both an advisor and ambassador to the NCIM. A new head coach will be announced before the end of November. All of us at the NCIM wish Steve much success in his exciting new endeavor at the highest level of our sport.

Steve Bauer  ©  Ivan Rupes
About Steve Bauer
Steve Bauer is Canada’s most decorated male road cyclist having worn the yellow jersey at the Tour de France for a total of 14 days, place 4th overall at the Tour as well as winning medals at the Olympics, World Championships and numerous national championships.

About NCIM
The National Cycling Institute Milton is the organization responsible for developing and running high performance and racing programs at the Mattamy National Cycling Centre.  The focus is on identifying, recruiting and developing young cyclists on the track and in all competitive areas of cycling. For more information contact Dave Ellis david.ellis@ncirevolution.com

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