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Source at UCI Confirms Exogenous Testosterone in Landis Sample

August 1, 2006 – According to today’s NY Times, exogenous, synthetic testosterone was found in Floyd Landis’ A sample from Stage 17 corroborating previous reports in the French L’Equipe newspaper which recently made a similar claim. The Times says that a source “within the UCI anti-doping department, with knowledge of the result” said in an interview that some of the testosterone in Landis’ body had come from an external source and was not produced by his system.

The source alleges that an Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry test (IRMS), which differentiates between natural and synthetic testosterone, found that Landis’ ratio of testosterone/epitestosterone was more than twice what is allowed under WADA’s rules.

According to the New York Times Landis’ personal physician, Dr. Brent Kay, confirmed rumours that the initial test found a ratio of 11/1 in Landis’ system. Kay and Landis are seeking an explanation for that high level.

The result of Landis’ B sample is expected by the end of the week.

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