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Share the Road Invites You to Ride with Us on June 6 in Memory of Greg Stobbart

courtesy of Share the Road

June 05, 2019 (Dundas, Ont.) – I looked at the weather this morning, and saw that tomorrow is looking like a beautiful June day. Perfect for cycling. It brought me back to a similar day 13 years ago tomorrow, and a phone conversation with my late husband Greg Stobbart. Greg has recently received his new bike from Racer Sportif, and he couldn’t wait to get out on the road. We were training for an upcoming triathlon.

 ©  Share the Road

“I think I’m going to go out for a ride today. It’s so beautiful out there.” I wished him well, told him to have fun, we said I love you, as we always did. It was our last conversation.

I’m grateful that our last conversation was so positive, that the last thing we said was “I love you” and that Greg was heading out to do something he loved. That he died doing so, because of a supreme act of carelessness has motivated me, and so many others, to engineer societal, legislative and policy change ever since that terrible day.

Greg’s loss has been profound for me, my family, his too – and for all of our friends. Honouring his memory to the benefit of others has been our mission and our focus for the past 13 years.

To have the opportunity to turn his loss into powerful legislative, policy and societal change has been a privilege. But our work continues, embodied by the amazing work of The Share the Road Cycling Coalition, the province wide cycling policy and advocacy organization we founded in Greg’s memory.

And so today I’m inviting you to join us tomorrow, on Greg’s anniversary, in supporting the vital work of Share the Road – Ontario’s cycling organization – leading change in communities across Ontario.

You can participate in honouring Greg in one of three special ways tomorrow :

– On your bike ride to work, to school, or for fun – wherever you are, ride in memory of Greg and share your thoughts with us. Post a photo or a message on your social media accounts and tag Share the Road on Facebook (facebook/STRCanada), Twitter @STRcycling or on LinkedIn (Share the Road, Canada)
– Honour Greg’s by donating to the Share the Road at sharetheroad.ca – and contribute to continued progress for safer roads and communities across Ontario. Every gift counts!
– Register for Greg’s Ride on September 22nd in Dundas, just outside of Hamilton, and get an early-bird discount (sharetheroad.ca)
– Join us at Grupetto’s Cycle and Café in Dundas (24 King St.West) at 6 :30 for a social ride and refreshments

Share the Road is working directly with communities across Ontario, with community leaders, elected officials, law enforcement, cycling advocates, on making them more bicycle friendly.

They are active at Queen’s Park as always. The Coalition has significant relationships at the political and policy levels across government, it leads the « All Party Cycling Caucus » an MPP forum for non-partisan unity and progress.

It’s record of success is phenomenal : leadership on passing the One Meter Safe Passing Law (2015), and creating two other significant changes to the Highway Traffic Act – giving us the toughest penalties in Canada : Careless Driving Cause Death, and Careless Driving Cause Bodily Harm (2017) as well as – for the first time – stiffer penalties for vulnerable road users.

Share the Road led the advocacy efforts that resulted in a $100M provincial investment in cycling – including $25 M in the city of Toronto.

They’re leading a current provincial consultation on the next steps by the province, on cycling in Ontario, including possible legislative changes like riding two abreast – an important issue and some much needed clarification for cyclists and cycling in Ontario.

Please join us in supporting this vital organization, so that we can make continued progress.

I know Greg, wherever he is, is smiling down on us all. He is, I have no doubt, enjoying the ride.

I’m hoping that you will do the same, and join us in honouring him by turning a day of sadness into one of triumph and positivity. He would like that.

Thank you, from the bottom of my heart. ?

To learn more about Share the Road visit here.

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