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NCIM Youth Prestige Race #1 at Milton Velodrome

release by National Cycling Institute Milton

November 07, 2018 (Milton, Ont.) – This past Saturday 53 youth riders contested the first of the two part NCIM Youth Prestige Series at the Mattamy Homes National Cycling Centre. With riders from Alberta and Quebec present for Cycling Canada’s week long Youth Advancement Camp run by Pathway Manager Jesse Korfe and NexGen coach Jenny Trew the racing was faster than normal and all categories were hotly contested.

Milton’s Youth Prestige race  ©  National Cycling Institute Milton
Dylan Bibic (Midweek CC) nearly made a clean sweep of the A Grade winning 3 of 4 races in the large 23-rider field. Daniel Nordemann-Da Silva (FCV-Kallisto) traded podiums with the Quebec pair of Tristan Jussaume and Mahias Guillmette in the scratch race and elimination while BMX star James Hedgcock (Madonna Wheelers) turned heads with his endurance to finish second to Bibic in the points race. The A racing concluded with a master class in track standing from Edmonton rider Mikael Goh (Juventus). Check out the NCIM instagram account @ncimcycling for a video of Goh’s display of technique.

In the B grade Ngaire Barraclough (Juventus) took the win in the elimination in another strong field, while Calgarian Samantha Hargreaves (Bicisport) took the win in the longest lap. NCCH rider Gregory Cuff took a convincing win in the Scratch race and instantly earned himself an upgrade into the A grade, while Midweek’s Cole Dempster won the points race.

The C Grade saw a hotly contested sibling rivalry between Alejandra Elliot-Cordoba and her brother Adres as they finished 1-2 in the scratch race ahead of Milton Revolution rider Caitlin Serafino. Andres would take his vengeance however in the elimination and points race.

New racer Nathan Martin made a clear sweep of the D Grade wining all four events.


A Grade

Scratch Race
1. Dylan Bibic
2. Tristan Jussaume
3. Daniel Nordemann-Da Silva

1. Dylan Bibic
2. Daniel Nordemann-Da Silva
3. Mathias Guillemette

Points Race
1. Dylan Bibic
2. James Hedgcock
3. Tristan Jussaume

Longest Lap
1. Mikael Goh
2. James Hedgcock
3. Daniel Nordemann-Da Silva

B Grade

Scratch Race
1. Gregory Cuff
2. Charles Bergeron
3. Matthew Whitehouse

Elimination Race
1. Ngaire Barraclough
2. Lily Plante
3. Charles Bergeron

Points Race
1. Cole Dempster
2. Charles Bergeron
3. Ngaire Barracough

Longest Lap
1. Samantha Hargreaves
2. Nate Ash
3. Owen Gill

C Grade

Scratch Race
1. Alejandra Elliot-Cordoba
2. Andres Elliot-Cordoba
3. Caitlin Serafino

Elimination Race
1. Andres Elliot-Cordoba
2. Simon Zouev
3. William Bibic

Points Race
1. Andres Elliot-Cordoba
2. Aderyn Fraser
3. William Bibic

Longest Lap
1. Joshua Cooper
2. Aderyn Fraser
3. Jared Rauwerda

D Grade

Scratch Race
1. Nathan Martin
2. Cole de Pauw
3. Camila Rico

Elimination Race
1. Nathan Martin
2. Amanda Henke
3. Camila Rico

Points Race
1. Nathan Martin
2. Amanda Henke
3. Cole de Pauw

Longest Lap
1. Nathan Martin
2. Amanda Henke
3. Camila Rico

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