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Midweek Criterium – April 24 Results and Video

release by the Midweek CC

April 25, 2012 (Mississauga, ON) – A total of 34 diehards showed up and raced. A lot of these folks showed up wearing Real Deal/La Bicicletta garb, this usually means there is going to be some hurt given out. Indeed, tonight, this was the case.

More predictable than the rain, is the inevitable field-lapping Ed Veal (Real Deal Racing/LaBicicletta) breakaway.  This time the gathering at the pointy end of the race was a small affair, inclusive only of one other, Wheels of Bloor’s, Chris Firek.

Equitably trading pulls, these two shot off the front, and closed the 900m gap on the other in about a dozen laps.  Midweek gave these two their own sprint finish, which was won by Ed Veal.  It was a close and powerful sprint, up the hill and into the wind.  Real Deal Racing’s, Mike Mandel had powered away in his own solo effort to secure 3rd place.

Top ten results below:

1. Ed Veal 57:35
2. Chris Firek @ s.t.

Field got the bell at 1 to go

Field Results

3. Mike Mandel 59:50
4) Sean Boileau @ 0:04
5) Tim Burton @ 0:06
6) Ken Ng @ 0:07
7) Stan Blazek @ 0:08
8) Mark Palma @ all s.t.
9) Victor Pwu
10) Andy D’Angelo

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