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Maghalie Rochette Announces New Privateer CX Fever Program

release by CX Fever Racing Team Powered by Specialized

September 03, 2018 – Change is hard. But it can also bring new and exciting opportunities that will allow you to grow. After being on the CLIF Pro Team for 5 years, I have decided to leave the team to start my own cyclocross project; CX Fever Racing Team Powered by Specialized.

Maghalie Rochette  ©  CX Fever

A part of me is super excited about this opportunity, while another part of me is sad about leaving the team.

It’s no secret; I love the CLIF Pro Team. I love everyone on this team, I love the structure, I love the sponsors, and the 5 years I spent on this team were the best of my life.

Quite frankly, I feel like I’ve grown up with this team. I got on the team when I was a 19 years old girl who had raced mountain bikes for 1 season and who didn’t speak very good English. I’m now a 25 years old woman, I’ve been teammate with some of the best cyclists in the world (who also happen to be very cool and mature woman who taught me much about life), we’ve raced MTB and CX all over the world, and my English is still not awesome, but it is much better.

We’ve had euphoric and devastating moments together, and all these moments brought us closer. I was always proud to call these people my teammates, but 5 years later, I’m even prouder to call them my friends.

I owe everyone involved in the CLIF Pro Team an enormous thank you, from the very bottom of my heart. It’s been an incredible ride!
New Team

You may be wondering, “why change team if you loved your team so much?”

Fair question.

The simple answer is that I have the cyclocross fever and it became too big to contain.

I invite you to read the text below to know more about my decision and about the people & companies who are part of this new journey.

Maghalie Rochette claims 5th at 2017 CX Worlds  ©  Michal Cerveny


It’s February 2017 and I just finished my first ever Elite Cyclo-cross World Championship. I finished fifth. 15 seconds from the podium. 36 seconds from the winner. On a 43 minute race, that is 0.05% off a podium finish. 1% off of the winner’s time.

There is not a day since that I haven’t asked myself “what if”.

What If I committed 100% to cyclo-cross?
What if my racing and training schedule focused on racing cyclo-cross at the highest level?
What if I partnered with some of the best people and companies who shared the same passion for cyclo-cross?
What would happen, then?

With the support of CLIF Bar & Co. I have decided to leave the CLIF Pro Team as of September 1st to focus my efforts on pursuing my cyclo-cross ambitions.

For the past five years, I have had the privilege to be a part of what is arguably the best MTB and CX Women’s team in the World. I will be forever grateful to my teammates, the management and staff of the team, as well as to all of our sponsors as they all helped me become a better person and a better athlete. Most of all, I am grateful for the life lasting relationships we have built on this team.

I am pleased to announce that this privateer program is supported by a group of amazing companies. CLIF Bar & Co, Specialized Bicycles, TenSpeed Hero, SRAM, Roval, Challenge Tires, Oakley, Giro Cycling, FeedBack Sports and Horst Engineering were the early believers and will be the main partners of the CX Fever team.

I am blessed by the support and confidence I have received from these companies. They jumped in and poured themselves into making this project happen, on a very short notice.

The racing schedule will consist of North American events until November 12th, and a 3 month long European campaign following Pan American Championships.

Just thinking about his project makes me shiver.

Shivers of apprehension, certainly.
What if we fail?

But also shivers of excitement.

But what if we fly?

One thing is certain. In 15 years from now when I retire from professional cycling, I don’t want to be asking myself “what if…?”


I’m excited to share the Fever with you at these events in the next month!

8-9 – Rochester CX, NY USA
19 – Cross Reno, Reno USA
21-23 – World Cup #1/Trek Cup -Wisconsin
28-30 – World Cup #2/Jingle Cross, Iowa

Thanks for the support 🙂

– Maghalie

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