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Lance Armstrong Settles $100 Million Lawsuit for $5 Million

by pedalmag.com
Lance Armstrong  ©  Cor Vos
April 19, 2018 – Lance Armstrong, 46, has settled his $100 million lawsuit and agreed to pay $5 million to the federal government who claimed he defrauded the government by using performance-enhancing drugs when the United States Postal Service sponsored his cycling team.

The agreement was struck before the scheduled May 7 trial date and was the last legal action against Armstrong who will also pay $1.65 million to cover legal costs of Floyd Landis, a former Armstrong teammate and the whistle blower in the case.

Armstrong’s legal team maintains that it was “a bogus case because the Postal Service was never harmed.” In 2013 he admitted to using banned substances while winning a record seven Tour de France titles from 1999 to 2005 wearing a Postal Service jersey for the first six. Armstrong was stripped of his seven TdF titles and barred for life from Olympic sports.

“I’m glad to resolve this case and move forward with my life,” Armstrong told the Washington Post.

New York Times here.
Washington Post here.
BBC here.

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