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Interview w/Two Legendary Winners of Montreal’s Original Grand Prix des Amériques

by pedalmag.com

September 14, 2012 (Montreal, QC) – The 3rd edition of the GP Cycliste WorldTour in Montreal took place on Sunday, Sept. 9, marking the return of two riders who had each won this prestigious race’s predecessor. The Grand Prix des Amériques ran from 1988 until 1992 on a classic World Cup course. It became a full World Cup race before the end of its run in 1992 and attracted  significant competitors as it grew in stature. Current GPCQM organizer Serge Arsenault was the man behind the GP des Amériques and he continued to stay close to the sport in the interim.

This year saw the return of Belgium’s Eric Van Lancker, race winner in 1991, who was in Montreal as the directeur sportif for the Garmin-Sharp team. Spidertech p/b C10 co-owner Steve Bauer, a Canadian legend who won the first edition of the race in ’88, was also on site for his team’s third appearance at the GPCQM.

For Van Lancker, it was his first opportunity to return to Canada and the scene of one of his professional victories. While Bauer and Van Lancker raced much of their careers together on competing teams, still have a number of things in common. This exclusive interview with these legends by Peter Kraiker touches on the earlier Grand Prix, their current roles in professional cycling, personal reflections on races they both competed in, and what it’s like teaching cycling to the next generation.


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