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Interview with Michael Barry on his Debut at the 2010 Tour de France

by pedalmag.com

June 25, 2010 – When the news broke that Canada’s Michael Barry had been selected to Team Sky’s roster for the 2010 Tour de France there was a collective cheer across the country supporting his debut at cycling’s biggest race. A lifelong dream, Barry has been a top pro for many years racing for many of the sport’s best teams and while often in the running, the Tour has eluded him until now. We caught up with Barry to find out more about this exciting stage in his career…

Congratulations, you’re finally racing at the Tour de France – how does it feel?
Michael Barry: When the team called to tell me I had been selected I felt a rush of emotion. I was elated, relieved, and excited. Throughout the year I have been committed to the team and our goals and to date it has been one of my most enjoyable seasons. We have a great group of guys and management and for that, I am even more excited to race the Tour. When I phoned my parents to tell them I was overwhelmed with emotion. Since I was a kid it has been my dream to race in the Tour and my parents have supported me the whole way – through the highs and lows. On many levels this is a dream I share with them as it was as a kid riding with them that I imagined I was racing in the Tour.

You’ve got a strong team to support Bradley Wiggins – what the team’s strategy?
MB: We are going there to do the best race we can and hopefully that puts Wiggo on the podium, or in the leader’s jersey, by the end.

Tell us about the role you’ll play during the Tour?
MB: I will be there to support Bradley. I am racing as a domestique which has been my role throughout this year, and with most of the teams I have ridden for over the years.

How’s your conditioning and what have you been doing in preparation for cycling’s biggest race?
MB: I feel good and my fitness is near its peak. I took a good few weeks off after the Giro and then went to a training camp in the Alps and Pyrenees with [Steve] Cummings and Wiggins to preview the Tour stages and do a few good long rides in the mountains (watch the video below and read about the camp at Barry’s website here).

What’s on your agenda between now and July 3 when the Tour starts?
MB: I am home until next week and then head up to the Netherlands where we will preview the courses and ride as a team.

Congrats again and all the best racing at your first Tour.
MB: Thanks

Pyrenean Descent, Port de Bales, Tour de France, Team Sky

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