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Interview with Alex Wrubleski and More Fleche Wallone Photos

April 24, 2008 (Belgium) – The Canadian National Women’s Team are having stellar spring over in Europe that began with Alex Wrubleski placing 6th at the Rone Van Drenthe World Cup, followed by Anne Samplonius’s win at the Ronde van Gelderland, and on Wednesday, Wrubleski placed 4th at Fleche Wallonne round #5 of the Women’s Road World Cup and is now in 13th overall. The Canadian team is being funded by L2RCP (Love to Ride Cycling Partners), a group of individual Canadian business people, who, “hold women’s cycling close to their hearts and really want to see us do well at the Olympics,” said Canadian coach Vincent Jourdain. We caught up with Wrubleski by phone and email to talk about the team’s and her own great start to the 2008 season.

Congrats on your 4th place at Fleche Wallonne. Along with finishing 6th at the Rone Van Drenthe World Cup and Anne Samplonius’s victory at the Ronde van Gelderland, you’ve got to consider this National team project a success.
Alex Wrubleski: It’s been very successful and I’m glad the CCA had it. Earning all the UCI points for Canada was really important to us because it means we’ll be able to send three women to Beijing. We got tons of experience as well we’ve done four races so far and we have two more this weekend. I want to do well at this level so this is where I need to be to get the experience.

Do you think the team rallied around your strong performances and Ann’s win – was it inspirational to you?
AW: Definitely inspirational, Ann rode a very smart race, tons of stuff happened at that race and nothing stuck until the end. Just as we entered the city, a last minute break went and none of teams cared because someone from every team was in it. It was really cool, when we finished the race no one had any idea she had won yet, so I’m really happy for her.

Fiona Macleod interviewed you for Pedal in January and you said your goal was to have good spring campaign to qualify for Beijing. With your Redlands win and performances in Europe have you accomplished your goals so far this season?
AW: My main goal is to go to the Olympics; and I think I’ve pretty much achieved the early part of that goal. The 4th place at Wallone means I’ve satisfied the criteria and Canada’s pretty safe with three spots. There are only a few more world cups before selection so I’m pretty excited.

Do you feel as if you belong at the front of the Euro peloton now? You beat some big names last weekend like Amber Neben, Emma Pooley and Nicole Cooke.
AW: Until now I really only spent time in Europe before the Road Worlds. We did some big races but nothing with the depth of these world cups. My only chance to compete against this calibre of riders was at the Montreal Road World Cup and the Road World championships. Every single race we’ve done here this year has been hard and everyone is fighting for UCI points.

As far as belonging, it definitely makes a difference when people know who you are; they’re more likely to let you in. It’s much tougher when you’re always trying to squeeze your way in. The Drenthe race was the most malicious competition I’ve seen in women’s cycling. It was flat and windy on narrow cobblestones roads. I’m from Saskatchewan where it’s flat and windy, but it’s nothing like this, the Dutch girls are so strong and fast on these roads.

What’s the best thing about racing in Europe?
AW: The tough courses and strong competition – I’m gaining so much experience every race.

What’s Worst thing about racing in Europe?
AW: The food! It’s challenging finding stuff I like to eat and I like to cook for myself. Availability of things I like isn’t the same as it is at home.

Are you excited to meet up with the rest of the Webcor girls after the CCA project?
AW: Yep, we are going to meet in Bern, Switzerland on May 2nd. We are going to race the Bern World Cup and then the Tour de l’Aude. We were going to do San Marino in Italy but it got cancelled.

Which Webcor team members are coming over to race?
AW: Christine is already here with the US team, Katheryn Curri was here but now she’s going home because she broke her collar bone again yesterday… Rebecca Much, and Gina Grain will also be joining us here, and Amy Dombroski might come to replace Katheryn.

How does your run up to Beijing look – back to Canada for the Montreal World Cup and then Philly?
AW: Yes exactly, then Nature Valley, Nationals and maybe Cascade. Our team might do the UCI race in Germany. That might be either a Webcor project or a CCA project, it’s still undecided. After that the CCA takes over and we start preparation for the Olympics.

It’s your first year on Webcor, how do you like it so far?
AW: I really like Webcor a lot! It’s a great group of riders and staff. Karen did a wicked job of putting the team together, and I think that’s the most important part to having success with a team.

Thanks for taking time to speak with us, we’ll stay in touch and best of luck racing this weekend.
AW: Thanks

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