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General Motors to Launch eBikes in 2019 – Crowdsource Naming Prize of $10,000

by Ron Johnson

November 07, 2018 – General Motors is getting into the ebike business announcing its first two models and launching a crowdsourcing campaign to name the new bike brand going forward. This week, the automobile company revealed two integrated and connected ebikes — one folding model and one sturdy compact model. The bikes have been developed in conjunction with the GM engineers who also worked on their Bolt electric vehicle.

 ©  GM
The company has already established itself as a leader in the electric vehicle marketplace , and its presence is only increasing with news that it plans to launch over 20 electric vehicles by 2023. It also has a large stake in Lyft, a car-sharing business.

“As an avid cyclist and urban commuter, I know how great it feels to get where I’m going easily and to show up sweat-free,” said Hannah Parish, director of General Motors Urban Mobility Solutions. “We blended electrification engineering know-how, design talents and automotive-grade testing with great minds from the bike industry to create our eBikes. Now we want to expand our thinking beyond the company walls and hear from people who like to move and have rad ideas.”

GM’s new e-folding bike  ©  GM
The company isn’t saying much yet about the technology behind the bikes themselves or price points as they aren’t slated for release until some time in 2019, but it did launch a global search to name the new bike brand with a $10,000 prize going to the winner. Nine other prizes of $1,000 will be awarded to runners-up.

“Simple, smart and bold concepts capable of bringing the eBike brand to life,” is what GM is asking for. “Fun ideas capable of being understood around the world.”

The contest ends at 10:00 EST on Nov. 26. Go here to enter.

1 Comments For This Post

  1. Rumblebee, Ont, Can says:

    I think GM has a winner here!
    WHEN it breaks down it can be folded up and hidden in the bushes for later retrieval, unlike the rest of GMs products.

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