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Former DH World Champ Canadian Miranda Miller Signs with Kona

release by Kona

July 12, 2019 – The team rumors have been flying for the past few months, but we’re ready to make it official… officially Miller Time! We could not be more excited to welcome Canadian legend and powerhouse racer Miranda Miller to the Kona family. Miller will be headlining our Global Enduro program alongside Rhys Verner, Connor Fearon, Shelly Flood, and Hannah Bergemann. She’ll be racing the Process 153 CR DL 29 and the Operator CR for select downhill races.

Miranda Miller  ©  P. J. K. Photo

Kona: Holy crap! You’re on Kona? How did that happen?

Miranda: It’s time for a new chapter to this story. The past pages are full of semi-trucks, fast cars, French boys, rainbow stripes, crashing and burning. What’s written on the next is maybe more relatable to a western theme. Much more saddle time, and wide open plains where one is allowed to be themselves and challenged in varied terrain. Kona is the place where I look forward to grabbing the reins with both hands and showing that this show pony isn’t ready for the glue factory. Kona has shown me that they share the same enthusiasm for racing and riding in the way that made us all love this sport to begin with. Team Manager, Mathieu Dupelle has already been looking after me for 10 plus years. Giving me shelter, rides and parts as a privateer back in the day. Here at Kona, I know I’m with good people.

Kona: Why did this move make sense for you?

Miranda: My past two seasons were ones riddled with injuries and performances that I found hard to find pride in. In retrospective, of course, I should have been proud, but often we are our harshest critics. Still, I know that I’m a better rider than my last two seasons of racing. I needed a refresh and restart with a company that recognizes this and is willing to support me for more than just race results. A company that loves what I love, for the same reasons.

Kona: It’s only been a couple weeks, but what are your first impressions of the bike and company?

Miranda:  Fun. What they say is true. The Kona Process 153 29? is one of the most fun bikes I’ve ridden. My riding has been invigorated so to say. In only a few weeks I’ve found a new speed, style and drive to push a little harder. My interactions with the staff of Kona has been very genuine and real. It’s a place where I can be me…and me is a little weird like them.

Full interview here.

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