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Don Valley Urban Forest Clean Up Project May 11 Update

release by the Don Valley Urban Forest Clean Up Project

April 18, 2019 (Toronto, ON) – We’d like to update you on the Don Valley Urban Forest Clean Up Project (Volunteers helping others clean up the Don Valley Forest). For the past few months we had some inquisitive undergraduate students from the University of Toronto Urban Studies program meeting with people from the City of Toronto, the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority, local community leaders as well as attending some meetings at Evergreen Brickworks. They also did some outdoor exploring along the Don Valley forest trails. They visited a lab at UofT where work is being done to look at how micro-plastics in our local watershed (Don, etc.) is effecting local fish in Toronto harbour. This project was started by the UofT Varsity Mountain Bike Team, who use these trails to train on.

1. UofT Urban Studies Poster Presentation
2. Don Valley Urban Forest Clean Up Project Facebook Page
3. Clean Up Event – Saturday May 11, 2019 (10am – 1pm)
4. Supporters & Stakeholders

1. UofT Urban Studies Students – Poster Presentation about Don Forest Clean Up Project

Toronto’s Don Valley Urban Forest Clean Up Project  ©  UofT

Their preliminary goal was to look at the Don Valley Urban Forest Clean Up Project (DVUFCUP), a volunteer led grass-roots effort which is trying to encourage a clean up of the Don Valley Forest. They looked at strengths, and what next steps might be. They looked at the model of civic ecology and what might be done to further involve the already very active local community and raise awareness of this waste issue.


– Develop an image of the importance of protecting the Don Valley (Forest)
– Garner community support
– Get financial support from the governments and NGO’s

While they were a bit off with some of the details, I think they did a great job with their final poster presentation. Well done! THANK YOU TO ALL WHO PARTICIPATED!

NOTE: DVUFCUP is not is a position to initiate these next steps, but would be interested to work with and see other stakeholders (TRCA, City of Toronto, etc.) continue to consider best options. They are already doing some great work and these things take time! For now, enjoy the forest if you can, and lets cut back on the litter.

2. Don Valley Urban Forest Clean Up Project Facebook Page
We have recently set up a Facebook page. If you would like to visit you can find it at here.

3. 19th Annual Don Valley Forest Clean Up Event – Saturday May 11, 2019 (10am – 1pm)
The UofT Mountain Bike Team will be hosting its 19th Annual Forest Clean-Up event on Sat May 11th. Gloves, bags and free food will be supplied. This is generally a low-key, grass roots and fun event. Un-plug and come help out for a few hours. So far volunteers who have shown up have collected 44,000 pounds of garbage over the years. Lets see what we can do this year! All welcome. Hope you can make it!

4. Here is our preliminary supporters and stakeholders list (It is a work in progress)


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