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Don Valley Urban Forest Clean Up Project May 11 – Volunteers Needed

release by the Don Valley Urban Forest Clean Up Project

February 15, 2019 (Toronto, Ont.) – The Don Valley Urban Forest Clean Up Project is a UofT School of Cities supported collaborative volunteer effort led by the University of Toronto Varsity Mountain Bike Team which involves partners such as the TRCA, City of Toronto, Thorncliffe Park Woman’s Association, numerous land /property owners and academic departments at the University of Toronto. Specifically 6 outstanding students from the UofT Urban Studies program who will be given an experiential learning opportunity over the winter months to meet with stakeholders and consider ways to address this urban parkland pollution issue.

Toronto’s Don Valley Urban Forest Clean Up Project  ©  UofT
Why Needed? – Plastic Litter: From Forest, to River, To Lake, to You.
We have removed 44,000 pounds of waste from forest 

Friend of the Clean-Up Project: Dr. Rochman – In a resent study (not yet published) student’s from UofT’s Rochman Lab dissected fish from Toronto Harbour. Dr. Rochman (Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology) is a world renowned expert on plastics in our environment (water) and has spoken through the United Nations on reducing plastic pollution.

Shocking Discovery: Contents of Toronto fish stomachs contained hundreds of pieces of micro plastic. This is a higher concentration of micro plastics than found in fish of the so called floating plastic island in Pacific Ocean. Recent garbage audit by UofT Trash Team found 2178 items of microdebris in mouth of the Don River.  Waste from Don Valley ravine forest is likely making its way into the Don River.

 ©  UofT
Student Athletes Recognised by City of Toronto at Volunteer Award Ceremony – December 2018
Over the past 18 years, the UofT Mountain Bike team has organized an annual event where team members, alumni and community volunteers have helped remove a total of 44,000 pounds of garbage from the forest floor. The team trains on and greatly appreciates the important urban forest trails of the Don Valley.

“This recognition is important because it both highlights the great work our U of T students, the leaders of tomorrow, are doing outside the classroom alongside the City of Toronto, but also highlights an important local environmental issue that everyone can get involved with,” said David Wright, head coach of the team.

Toronto’s Don Valley Urban Forest Clean Up Project  ©  UofT
Next Steps
Over the next few months students will be reaching out to area stakeholders to learn more and gain a better understanding of why there is so much household garbage been thrown into the forest. They will also learn how it may impact the environment.

– Meeting with City of Toronto staff
– Visiting Rochman Lab
– Speaking with property management companies and community leaders
– Prepare brief report and project
– Prepare for annual forest clean up event on May 11, 2019.

Mr. Rob Oliphant (red jacket), Member of Parliament (Don Valley West) has been a long time supporter and consistent volunteer at the clean up event  ©  UofT
Mark Yor Clenedar – Don Valley Urban Forest Clean Up Event – Volunteers Needed
Sat. May 11, 2019 (10 am – 1 pm) – E.T Seton Park

Mr. Rob Oliphant (red jacket), Member of Parliament (Don Valley West) has been a long time supporter and consistent volunteer at the clean up event.

Volunteers Needed – This is a fun event. Come out for a few hours. Held on the Saturday before mothers day. We will supply gloves, bags, tools and food and drink for a free bbq following the event.

Bring a friend. Children welcome. Free event.

All ages welcome.

Read more here.

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