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De Rosa Announces New Logo Design

release by De Rosa

June 21, 2019 (Cusano Milanino, ITA) – The first day of summer corresponds to a new chapter of the history of De Rosa, marking the introduction of a new logo. From the story of De Rosa and the expert hand of the designer Pininfarina comes a new logo for the bikes with the heart, the new identity that will accompany De Rosa and all its project in the years to come. A logo that respects the great tradition, the heritage and the story of De Rosa, reflecting the brand’s Italian soul and looking at the future with enthusiasm.

De Rosa’s new logo  ©
On Friday 21st of June in Milan, Cristiano De Rosa introduced the first 3 products of the 2020 range, the first products with the new heart: the SK Pininfarina, the second edition of the product launched in 2015, the Merak and the new Idol.

The new logo is the result of the exchange of ideas between the experts of two Made in Italy icons and represents the perfect synthesis between the glorious past of the company, born in Milan more than 60 years ago, and the idea of keep going ahead of time in the future, a value that has always been one of the brand main characteristics. From the stylish point of view, the logo retains the strong character typical of De Rosa, but shapes are re-interpreted with a more modern design.

De Rosa… bikes wih heart
The typeface used has an accelerated character where the elongated shapes suggest a fast, horizontal movement. The style of the logo is the key for interpreting the journey of the company and is expressed by the solidity of the lettering that is more and more dynamic, fast and open to the future. The main innovation is anyway the new shape of the heart that is almost “engineered” by exploiting the proportion between the circular elements of the bike so as to become the pulsating element of absolute stylistic and technological perfection.

Cristiano De Rosa explains the choice and traces the path for the future growth of the company based in Cusano Milanino: “A strong growth, epoch-making for our brand, born from the willing of combining the futuristic vision of our bikes with the logo that represents us. We had to come to terms with an important matter: our modern, light, performative, aerodynamic products were any longer supported by their logo.

“At the same time, we are aware of the story and the tradition that our logo and our heart carry out in the tradition of Italian cycling. This lead us, De Rosa family, to make a choice with our hearts, so we started the creation of a new logo, together with the Pininfarina designers, that could reflect the vision of our products, while respecting the story that identifies us.

Heart Evolution  ©
“I want to thank Paolo Pininfarina and all the Pininfarina design center that have fully understood and valorized in the best way the tradition of De Rosa projecting it into the future. The vintage futurism is the concept that inspired us. Heritage and dynamism. Those are indeed the values that we took as inspiration for the creation of the new De Rosa logo, with the intention of conveying the future of the brand without ever forgetting its past and its history. I have the fullest respect for everything related to the past and this represents for me a real cultural value for the company, but it is only the basis for the future development of De Rosa, a future where the product and the brand – intended as logo – speak the same language.”

“For us, working on a brand means working on the soul of the company” Paolo Pininfarina, president of the group, says. “Within De Rosa we found such a commonality of values and vision – materialized into the huge success of SK Pininfarina – that we are glad to consolidate the partnership with this new model and to start imagining together the future scenery of development”.

Visit De Rosa’s web site here and De Rosa Canada here.
More on De Rosa’s rebranding and new 2020 collection here.

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