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2nd Annual Day of the Hour 2018 – Saturday, August 25

release by Day of the Hour

April 24, 2018 (Milton, ON) – Have you ever thought of attempting the Hour Record? If so, this is your opportunity to do exactly that! The second annual Day of the Hour event is set to take place on Saturday, August 25 at the Mattamy National Cycling Centre (MNCC) velodrome in Milton, Ontario.

Day of the Hour logo
Day of the Hour is open to male and female cyclists from across Canada in Elite, Masters and Para-Athlete categories. Athletes should apply through Cycling Canada, with application forms and links available on the Day of the Hour website, here.

Day of the Hour is a nationally sanctioned day long track event held bi-annually at the MNCC. As many as eight athletes will race, one at a time, in the attempt to establish a new National or UCI World Record for the Hour in their respective age categories.

Giuseppe Marinoni  ©  Ivan Rupes
At the inaugural event held on September 23, 2017, eight Canadian athletes triumphed, setting eight new Canadian age category records, one overall Canadian record, and three UCI World Records for Best Hour Performance in a Non-Championship Event. It was the first time that a group of athletes had combined their efforts to attempt individual Hour Records at one venue on one day.

Ed Veal  ©  Ivan Rupes
For 2018, with the support of Cycling Canada, Day of the Hour has become a nationally sanctioned event, open to all athletes who wish to test their metal against the clock. Beginning in 2019, depending on the number of athletes, Day of the Hour will be held twice yearly, in the Spring and in late Summer. The event will be open to any athlete in North America.

Applications for Day of the Hour 2018 are currently being accepted by Cycling Canada. Athletes wishing to participate should have their applications in by May 1, 2018. Eight cyclists will be chosen to take part on Saturday, August 25, 2018; additional qualifying cyclists will be placed on the list for Spring 2018.

Additional details about this event are available on the Day of the Hour website, Facebook page, and Twitter feed.

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