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Congratulations and Haleakala Record Attempt

by John Symon

December 27, 2014 (Maui, Hawaii) – Canadian pro cyclist, Mike Woods, who has signed with Optum p/b KBS for 2015, and Elly Robertson, also of Ottawa, were married at a ceremony in Maui, Hawaii on Dec. 20.

When asked about how he now finds married life, Woods responded, “It is awesome; however, I highly recommend taking your wedding band off before going for a swim in the waves…”

Newlyweds Elly Robertson and Mike Woods  ©  Drew Beeson

For Woods, the trip to Hawaii had a double purpose and he was also attempting to better his own world record on the Haleakala climb on Maui. Fellow Canuck, Ryder Hesjedal (Garmin-Sharp), once held the world record of 2:32:51 on this 3,055m elevation gain over 56km before Woods beat this in 2013 with a time of 2:32:24.

Asked about his 2014 attempt Woods told Pedal, “I did make the attempt, but missed the record by 1:40. My watts were way better, but it was a much windier day than the previous year.”

Mike Woods on the Haleakala Climb in Hawaii  ©  Cathie Joyce

Woods, 28, a pure climber from Ottawa, rode with 5-Hour Energy in 2014. He also finished second in the punishing Mont-Megantic stage at this year’s Tour de Beauce, and was selected by Canada to compete in Quebec’s WorldTour races and the UCI World Championships (where he DNFd). He was part of the last serious break in Quebec City that was reeled in with just 4-km left placing 75th, and made the final selection in Montreal to finish as the top Canadian in 26th.

Woods was also 6th in the KOM classification at the 2014 UCI Tour of Alberta and 2nd in the KOM classification at the 2014 Grand Prix Cycliste Saguenay behind Luca Bennedetti (Amore Vita – Selle). As reported previously, Benneditti tested positive for EPO at Saguenay, but Pedal understands that as yet there has not been any adjustments to the standings or medals.

Mike Woods on the Haleakala Climb in Hawaii  ©  Drew Beeson

“Mike is another guy that we have been watching closely. He comes from a running background and has only been racing for a few years, but in that short period of time he has become one of the most dangerous climbers in North America,” said Optum’s Performance Director Jonas Carney in a team press release, welcoming Woods to Optum.

During a recent face-to-face interview in Montreal, Robertson joked that the honeymoon would include her riding tandem with Woods as he went up Haleakala.

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