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CCA Holds Semi-Annual Board of Directors Meeting

release by the CCA

May 11, 2011 (Toronto, ON) – The Board of Directors of the Canadian Cycling Association held its semi-annual meeting in Toronto, ON from May 6-8, 2011. The main themes of this meeting were; long term planning and review of performance to date against the 2009-2012 Strategic Plan, CCA and Provincial/Territorial relations, risk management discussions and a review of the CCA’s risk registry, policy discussions and approvals and planning for the 2011 Annual General Meeting.

Highlights included:

– A discussion on CCA branding including the name and visual identity of the association.

– A review of the developments in the Race Clean program and the associated commitments of the Board to the True Sport declaration signed by all Board members and Provincial/Territorial affiliates and continued education of development riders in the area of anti-doping.

– A report from the Director Business Development on the Vision 2020 campaign to increase the awareness and funding to Canadian cycling.

– An analysis of the performance against plan in the CCA’s four Core Strategy areas which showed positive gains against the related high performance, development, business operations and governance targets.

– A report on developments related to the 2015 Pan American Games with particular attention to the velodrome developments. The Board is encouraged with the strong support of Toronto 2015 towards a permanent indoor velodrome and is hopeful that the partnership being developed with the City of Hamilton is successful towards realizing this all important facility for track cycling in Canada.

– The Board received a provisional (not audited) report for the year ended March 31, 2011 which showed a modest surplus at year end.

– A review of the CCA’s Risk Registry resulted in the Board requesting that management take specific action in two areas that have taken on greater risk over the past six months those being insurance and the infrastructure needs for cycling in Canada.

– The Board reviewed the term limits for Directors and committee members that are currently in place within the Constitution and the Policy on Organizational Structure and will be bringing forward a discussion brief for the Interprovincial Council to review and provide their input on in the near future.

– The Board approved a recommendation from the Officials’ Committee for the addition of a Canadian National Commissaire of the Year Award in addition to the Canadian International Commissaire award. The Board have asked the Coach Development Committee to look at the area of coach awards going forward.

– The Board discussed the upcoming Annual General Meeting that will be held in Winnipeg, MB from October 28-30, 2011 and determined that the focus of the workshops should be LTAD implementation and NSO / PSO / Club alignment around LTAD. The details will be reviewed with the Interprovincial Council for their input to ensure the best possible schedule for the annual meeting.

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