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Canadian Strava Artist Gets International Attention

by pedalmag.com
Tyrannosaurus Rex  ©  Stephen Lund
February 19, 2016 – Cyclist Stephen Lund of Victoria, BC, has earned international attention for his “drawings” published on his Strava account as people the world over have picked up on what this imaginative rider has been up to for just over a year. What started as a relatively simple New Year’s greeting in January 0f 2015 has evolved into a calling that has resulted in thousands of kilometres in intricate images created by careful planning, a bicycle, a GPS computer, the red line Strava uses to outline a rider’s route on a map, and boundless creativity on Lund’s part.

Tour de Victoria logo  ©  Stephen Lund

Because of his unique and amazingly detailed drawings, Lund was recently invited to present at Tedx Victoria.

Lund’s first ever TV interview on Victoria’s local station Chek TV:

Find out more about Lund and check out more of his images on his blog www.gpsdoodles.com.

Follow Lund on Strava here.

Darth Vader  ©  Stephen Lund

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