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Break the Cycle DVD Released

release by Break the Cycle

December 14, 2009 (Belfast, Ireland) – Tipped to be one of the major biking films to be released this winter, Break the Cycle film, produced by Irish downhiller Andy Yoong is now available on DVD. Over 300 riders from around all over Ireland turned up at the Movie House cinema in Belfast in anticipation for the World Premier of Break the Cycle.

Attendance for the premier was beyond all expectations. The dress code was black tie, but downhillers being downhillers interpreted that in their own way, so we ended up with everything from monocles to gimp masks being worn on the night.

After a reception in the cinema foyer everyone started making their way in for the showing of the film. It was amazing to see local riders and trails on such a big screen, which really did the film justice.

When the film ended everyone headed round to AM:PM for the after party. Nothing too major happened but there was a pillow fight that got a bit out of hand and a few missing people who had travelled up to Belfast from Newry that forgot that they needed to get back to their bus on time to get home.

All in all it was a very successful night, being on of the biggest off-season events the Irish downhill community has ever experienced.

The Film
Break the Cycle is film about downhill mountain biking in Ireland. It gives an insight into 10 of Irelands best riders and how they break the cycle of every day life through their love for bikes.

Ireland is relatively unknown in the downhill scene so this film shows of the amazing scenery and trails to be found around the Island which are up there with the best in the world.

Riders include current Irish Downhill Champion Ben Reid, Redbull Rampage and Masters World Champion podium rider Glyn OBrien, Womens Masters World Championships silver medallist Meave Baxter, Irish NPS Champion Colin Ross, Irish team members Dan and Gerard Wolfe, 021 Racing riders Tom Power and Greg OKeefe, and up and coming riders Jamie McCullough, and Ewan Doherty.

The film also features music from some of the best bands in Ireland and beyond, including The Frames, Joe Echo, and Rigger.

You can order the DVD internationally through the film website at www.breakthecyclefilm.com

Break the Cycle Trailer

Break the Cycle Trailer – NOW AVAILABLE ON DVD! from Andy Yoong on Vimeo.

Click here for additional teaser videos.

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