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Bicycle Dreams – RAAM Documentary Released on DVD

release by Auerfilms

August 21, 2009 – In the spirit of such cinematic achievements as Field of Dreams, Rocky, and Breaking Away, comes Bicycle Dreams, the powerful new documentary that is inspiring audiences at film festivals across the country and quickly becoming a word of mouth phenomenon.

The film tells the true story of the Race Across America, a 3000-mile bicycle race that challenges riders to cross the country in just ten days. They must overcome searing desert heat, agonizing mountain climbs, and endless stretches of open road, all while battling extreme exhaustion and sleep deprivation. But when tragedy strikes the race, this simple test of human endurance is instantly transformed into something far more daunting.

Bicycle Dreams Trailer

These voyagers discover what is truly at stake as they pedal on, praying for the deliverance only the finish line can bring. By journey’s end, some are saved, others are lost, but all learn that the fuel that takes a soul toward its own true destiny is desire.

Filmmaker Stephen Auerbach and his crew worked around the clock to capture the highs and lows of the Race Across America. With 18 cameras in the field, the team found innovative ways to document this massive event. To uncover the inner workings of the race, embedded camera operators traveled inside the riders’crew vehicles, gaining unprecedented access to the cyclists and their teams. Their footage captured emotional and physical breakdowns, late-night strategy sessions, and great moments of personal triumph, all in intimate detail. Auerbach then took on the enormous task of editing hundreds of hours of material into a powerful, inspiring look inside the most difficult race on Earth. For more on the film visit www.bicycledreamsmovie.com.

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