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BC Bike Race Day 7 Finale Report, Results, Photos

release by the BC Bike Race

July 4, 2010 (Whistler, BC) – What an incredible week of racing it’s been! With a final farewell-tour stage in beautiful Whistler, the BC Bike Race 2010 edition has come to a close. The Whistler stage was filled with some challenging climbing, a sample of the Whistler Bike Park, some fun rips through the Lost Lake trails, and one final victory roll under the towering BC Bike Race finish line arch.

Racers were greeted with congratulations, handshakes, a finisher’s medal and t-shirt, and big, warm hugs from BC Bike Race staff. President Dean Payne handed out medals and personally congratulated racers on their effort and thanked them for being a part of the 2010 BC Bike Race event.

Media Manager, Dave Howells, interviewed racers as they crossed the finish line that marked the end of what was, for some, a life-changing journey. There were words of elation, gratitude and pure pride as the realization of their accomplishment set in. Some, understandably, were moved to tears.

A seven-day event like this one often requires participants to push beyond perceived boundaries at which point they learn incredible lessons about their potential, abilities, and strengths. It builds relationships between teammates, strangers and self. It imprints memories that will not soon fade away.

For many racers, the Day Seven course was about “staying safe” and simply crossing the finish line; for others, there were boundaries to be pushed and medals to be had.

As with yesterday’s stage, the hometown advantage created opportunities for some racers and the podium placements varied from previous stages. The Overall results, however, were as expected based on already established leads.

Highlights from the final day of racing include:

Stage 7 Results
Epic Team of 2 Men – Max Knox & Branden Stewart, DCM1 1:26:41 (2nd Kris Sneddon & Barry Wicks, Team Kona 1:26:56)
Epic Team of 2 Women – Alana Heise & Kate Aardal, Terralandscape-Hardcore Racing 3:27:18
Epic Solo Men – Jason Sager, Team Jamis 1:22:22 (2nd Chris Sheppard 1:22:23)
Epic Solo Masters Men – Craig Gillet 1:34:46 (2nd Ted Russo 1:35:51)

Overall 2010 BCBR Top Finishers
Epic Team of 2 Men – Kris Sneddon and Barry Wicks, Team Kona 18:34:21
Epic Team of 2 Women – Alana Heise & Kate Aardal, Terralandscape-Hardcore Racing 23:12:35
Epic Team of 2 Mixed – Geoff Kabush, Team Rocky Mountain – Maxxis & Catharine Pendrel, Team Luna 20:57:54
Epic Solo Men – Chris Sheppard, Team Rocky Mountain Bikes 18:17:32
Epic Solo Women – Melanie McQuaid, Team Specialized 22:22:18
Epic Solo Masters Men – Ted Russo 21:26:41
Epic Solo Masters Women – Lisa Le Poole, 26:55:55
Epic Team of 2 Veterans 80 – Doug Krumpelman & Mike Gaertner, Vertical Earth
Epic Team of 2 Veterans 100 – Barry Beck & Bill McMillan, BC Ferries Coastal Class 23:59:39
Epic Teams of 3 or More – Michel Thuy, Amo Thuy, Daniel Thuy, KM10 29:52:02

Challenge Solo Men Brent Dyer 18:17:11
Challenge Solo Women Kelly Sherbinin 16:23:54
Challenge Team of 2 Mixed Isabelle Deguise & Dan Webster 20:56:16

Stage 7 Challenge results here.
Stage 7 Epic results here.
Final Overall Challenge results here.
Final Overall Epic results here.

2010 Day 7 Whistler

No real surprises in the Overall race results today. In a ceremony beneath the start/finish line arch, the category stage winners and overall winners received their awards: medals to the top three in the stage, and yellow jerseys and a unique etched glass trophy to the overall winners.

The event officially came to a close with a banquet at the host hotel, Fairmont Chateau Whistler. Dave Silver, official BCBR photographer, composed a slideshow that reflected moments captured throughout the seven days of racing. Then, the post-event stage took place where racers danced the lactic acid out of their legs and had their final moments together as the BCBR 2010 alumni.

Throughout race week participants and staff were fuelled by Kicking Horse Coffee every morning and by many great energizers, such as Sharkies, Clif Bars, Honey Stingers, Red Bull and more at the aid stations throughout the week. Many thanks to all the BC Bike Race sponsors for providing the support necessary to make an event like the BCBR successful.

Interesting fact of the day: Melanie McQuaid, Epic Solo Women winner and 3-time Xterra Champion, is in the midst of her training program for this year’s events. After every stage McQuaid would set off for a training run or swim.

Next up: Registration for BC Bike Race 2011 opens on July 4, 2010. Limited quantities of “Uber-Early Bird” pricing will be available. Don’t miss out!

For full race results and 2011 registration details, check out www.bcbikerace.com.

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