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2018 CXFever Fund Announces New Grants

release by the CXFever Fund

November 23, 2018 – The goal of the CX Fever Fund, is to share our passion for cyclocross. We believe that when someone finds their passion, it gives them a purpose to work hard and become a better version of themselves. In other words, passionate people are happy people, and we like happy people! We also want to support up-and-coming racers by helping them live enriching experiences that can hopefully make a positive difference in their career.

Maghalie Rochette at UCI Cyclocross World Cup #4 in TaborIn 2017, we offered a grant of a $1,500 financial value to an up-and-coming CX rider. The grant recipient got to come to the PanAmerican Championships with the CLIF Pro Team and become a member of the team for a weekend of racing. The goal was to share our experience and ressources with her so she can see what it’s like to be on a professional CX team.

Although this was a successful experience last year, the Fund will take a different approach this season.

“With the change of team and the creation of the CXFever p/b Specialized program, and because we were going to be away in Europe for a big part of the season, David and I didn’t have the time or ressources to do the same type of project as we did last year. But we still wanted to keep the Fund alive and do our part to help young racers in Canada.”

Rochette IMG_9483 Batten.4

“This year, we will offer two $500 grants to young, ambitious, and passionate cyclocross riders from Canada.”

“This year, I feel like the Fever is stronger than ever in Canada. I’ve never seen that much enthusiasm for our sport here, and that makes me really happy.”

“I hope we can keep spreading the Fever even more.”

“Many people contributed to the Fund by purchasing CXFever merchandise throughout the season, or by donating to the Fund. I think that expresses well the tight-knit community that cyclocross is. We are excited to be able to give back. If someone can benefit from the grant, all those trips to the post office (to ship CXFever merchandise) will be worth it… haha!”


To apply to the Fund, you must be a Junior or U23 rider and need to have participated at the 2018 National Championships in the Junior or U23 category.

The two recipients will be chosen based on their short application video. We want to know why you have the Fever and what is your ambition in cyclocross.

For more details on how to apply, please follow this link here.

The deadline for application is December 7th, 2018.

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