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19th Annual Bicycle Fall Blowout Sale on Oct. 13 – Win a Bianchi Torino

release by the Bicycle Fall Blowout Sale
October 05, 2018 (Toronto, ON) – It’s That Time of Year Again To Save Big Now in it’s 19th Year, this once-a-year, seven-hour sales blitz takes place this Saturday. So while you are enjoying the Thanksgiving long weekend, you might want to think about that new bike and/or those cycling clothes, parts and accessories you want to buy.

Bianchi Torino 2018-10-05 at 9.25.06 AMThe place to get what you want at the prices you will not believe is at the 19th Annual Bicycle Fall Blowout Sale. Be sure to come on Saturday, October 13, 2018 (10 AM to 5 PM) and don’t miss out on the amazing savings all day.

Fill out a ballot at the show to enter the draw for a 2018 Bianchi Torino bicycle (suggested retail value of $730.00)

Map and more info here.

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