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WADA Concedes it Can’t Ban Nations for Doping

by John Symon
 ©  WADA
August 26, 2015 (Montreal, QC) – The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) has conceded that it has no power to ban nations where doping is endemic reports Inside the Games. According to WADA president, Sir Craig Reedie, “WADA would like to clarify that, as outlined under Article 23.6 of the Code, the only penalties that the Agency can exercise as it relates to non-compliant signatories are ‘forfeiture of offices and positions within WADA’. It has no jurisdiction over potential Nation Bans.”

Apparently the IOC’s Olympic Charter gives it the right to exclude countries if “….the relevant International Federation governing such sport does not comply with the Olympic Charter or the World Anti-Doping Code.”

As reported earlier, recent TV documentaries aired by German station ARD have suggested that perhaps 99 percent of Russian athletes are doping at international competitions. There have also been allegations of systematic doping with Kenyan and Turkish athletes.

WADA hopes to improve things stating, “The Agency does however continue to work collaboratively with all signatories to improve their anti-doping programmes so that consistent, quality, anti-doping programmes are in place for the protection of athletes worldwide.”

Past examples of countries banned for doping offences seem very rare according to Inside the Games, citing only two cases that involved Nigeria and the United Arab Emirates.

WADA statement here.
Inside the Games article here.


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