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Vuelta Sudamericana – 12,500km Tour Ends Dec. 6

release by Tour d'Afrique Ltd.

November 27, 2009 (Toronto, ON) – Tour d’Afrique Ltd. are once again making bicycle history – this time in South America with Vuelta Sudamericana. At the same time, they are supporting and spreading the word about the Ride Planet Earth climate change campaign.

On the 26th July 2009, 23 riders from 8 countries cycled out of Rio de Janiero to participate in the inaugural 12,500 km tour. The goal of the tour is to cycle through Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay, Chile, Bolivia, Peru and Ecuador and finish four and a half months later, on December 6th, in Quito – the same day that thousands of cyclists around the world will take to highways, streets and dirt tracks across the planet, demonstrating the capacity and willingness of ordinary people to take action against dangerous climate change. The next day, in Copenhagen, the most important climate change negotiations yet will begin.

“The time for talking is over.” said Kim Nguyen, Project Manager of the Ride Planet Earth campaign. “Our planet needs our help, we need to act now.”

Henry Gold, Tour d’Afrique Company Founder and Environmental Activist, who over the past seven years has led hundreds of riders across Africa, Europe and Asia is excited about the company’s newest challenge through South America. “The sheer magnitude of our events provides a unique experience for both amateur racers and expedition cyclists and continues to push the perceived limits of long distance, organized adventure cycling.” said Gold.

But apart from experiencing the sheer joy, exhilaration and freedom that comes with crossing a continent by bicycle, one of the main goals of the company is to raise awareness of the damage being done to the environment through society’s increasing use of motorized transportation. “Dangerous levels of CO2 in the atmosphere as a result of the use of cars worldwide play a large part in the global warming crisis.” said Gold. “We whole heartedly support Kim Nguyen and look forward to being a part of the Ride Planet Earth campaign when we roll into Quito on December 6th.”

Follow the expedition at www.tourdafrique.com/vueltasudamericana

For more info on Ride Planet Earth visit www.rideplanetearth.org

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