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Strength and Conditioning Tips – Muscle Recovery, Developing Slow and Fast-twitch Muscles and More

release by SIRC
 ©  SIRC
November 29, 2013 – Did you know that strength-training programs should include a 10- to 15-minute warm-up and cool-down? Successful performance in sport requires that the athlete possess some combination of strength, power and speed. Strength training is a key component of overall health and fitness, and it provides an important balance to aerobic workouts. When done properly, strength training will help an athlete increase strength, coordination, balance, fitness and overall performance. Topics include…

– Developing Slow and Fast-twitch Muscles
– Ballistic vs. Strength Training
– Strength Training for Young Athletes
– Muscle Recovery

Read more here.

2 Comments For This Post

  1. Ben Aroundo, ON, Canada says:

    If you keep this info coming “Pedalmag” these (bike coaching ignoramuses) will know as much as I already do (obviously a slow cycling news day).

    It has been interesting for me to watch these ” know nothing pseudo coaches” screw up in training with their unlucky naive charges.

    As an example I keep suggesting to the OCA about executing their SPRING training campaign properly but it goes into one ignorant ear and out the other deaf, hard headed, ear.

    Forgive them, “oh gods of cycling” for living in, and for being surrounded by an ocean of coaching ignorance and therefore they do not know (and perhaps not care to know) what they doeth BADLY.

  2. Ben Aroundo, ON, Canada says:

    I’m wondering. Is anyone reading this article or comment?

    Warning, that if you read this article carefully you’ll see that “may do this” “may do that ” is everywhere. Just means that what they propose in the article is NOT absolutely, clinically or scientifically proven.

    Especially be warned if products are mentioned by commercial name as in Power Bar etc.

    Why do they only mention “eating and drinking” recovery and not rest, massage, sleep etc?. Also be weary of marketing cue words like “electrolytes” as the word and need is exaggerated and is abundant in our bodies thus less critical to athletes but more important to promote sales of products.

    They may have written this article just to subtly boost sales. You see I also use the word “may” when I’m not 100% certain.

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