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Mark Walters Loses Appeal

October 3, 2002 – Mark Walters has lost his appeal of the decision made by the Canadian Cycling Association's (CCA) High Performance Committee (HPC) regarding the team composition for the 2002 Road World Championships in Zolder, Belgium, October 8-13. An Appeals Committee was put in place, composed of three neutral members. This committee reviewed written material submitted by each side and heard from each party in a conference call last night.

Following the oral presentations, the Appeals Committee met privately and debated the issue before coming to a final decision early this morning.

Walters, 26, from Blackstock, ON, appealed the HPC's decision to nominate Charles Dionne, 23, from St. Redempteur, QC, as the starter in the Elite Men's Road Race at the Road World Championships. The basis of his appeal centered on whether the HPC had the right to adopt new criteria following an amendment to the International Cycling Union (UCI) rules which granted Canada one starter for this event.

The UCI amended their regulations and notified the CCA on September 9th. As a result, Canada went from having qualified no men to having qualified two, one of who may start in the Elite Men's road race. When the HPC met via conference call on September 19th, they felt that the original criteria in place were no longer applicable, as those criteria were developed under the assumption that Canada would have finished among the top thirty. The criteria were altered to better reflect the current situation, which is Canada being granted one starter at the World Championships.

The Appeals Committee felt that the HPC was within its right and power to make the decision they did.

Mark Walters A Perdu Son Appel

October 3, 2002 – Mark Walters a perdu son appel logÈ auprÔ¹s de l'Association cycliste canadienne (ACC) concernant les sÈlections de l Èquipe pour les Championnats du monde sur route 2002 ý Zolder, Belgique du 8 au 13 octobre. Un ComitÈ d'appels a ÈtÈ mis en place, composÈ de trois membres neutres, pour rÈviser les soumissions Ècrites provenant de chaque parti et pour entendre des commentaires de chacun lors d'une confÈrence tÈlÈphonique hier soir. AprÔ¹s cette prÈsentation orale, le ComitÈ s'est rÈuni en privÈ et discutÈ du sujet avant de prendre sa dÈcision ce matin.

Walters, 26 ans, de Blackstock, ON, en a appelÈ de la dÈcision du ComitÈ de Haute Performance de l ACC (CHP) qui avait choisi Charles Dionne, 23, de St. RÈdempteur, QC, pour reprÈsenter le Canada lors de la course masculine aux championnats du monde sur route. L'appel de Mark Walters demandait si le CHP avait le droit d'adopter de nouveaux critÔ¹res de sÈlection aprÔ¹s un changement aux rÔ¹glements de l'Union Cycliste International (UCI), changement qui accordait au Canada un partant pour cette Èpreuve.

L'UCI a amendÈ ses rÔ¹glements et en a informÈ l ACC le 9 septembre dernier. En consÈquence, le Canada qui n'avait aucun reprÈsentant, en a qualifiÈ deux, dont un peut participer ý la course sur route Èlite masculine ý Zolder. Lors d une confÈrence tÈlÈphonique du CHP le 19 septembre, les membres ont estimÈ que les critÔ¹res initiaux n'Ètaient plus applicables, puisque ces critÔ¹res ont ÈtÈ dÈveloppÈs au cas oËœ le Canada aurait terminÈ parmi les trente premiers pays. Les critÔ¹res ont ÈtÈ modifiÈs pour mieux reflÈter la situation actuelle, c est-ý-dire que Canada ne s'est vu accordÈ qu'un partant aux championnats du monde.

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