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FitSpirit Snow Challenge at Mont Olympia a Success

February 26, 2008 – The first edition of the FitSpirit Snow Challenge took place at Mont Olympia this past February 24. It was a day of skiing filled with group activities for girls aged 13 to 17. FitSpirit was founded to promote physical activity among girls, and its mandate is to encourage teenage girls to be active.

FitSpirit, a team with a passion for sports and physical activity, was founded in 2007 and is a movement that is gaining in popularity among teenage girls. Since its inaugural season, the organization has continued to make news; it has fulfilled its mission by encouraging over 11,000 girls to become more involved in sports and by mobilizing them to take action, while breaking down barriers that hamper their desire to practice sports. FitSpirit arranges talks at schools as part of its Speaking Tour, in Québec and Ontario, in which female Olympic and high-level athletes talk about the seven FitSpirit values : self-esteem, respect, enjoying sports, positive interpersonal relationships, health, growing through the challenge in sport, and commitment.

During this day, about one hundred girls took part in a zany dual race, an open skiing session and an autograph session with two-time gold medallist Kim St-Pierre (women’s hockey), Andréanne Éthier-Chiasson (wakeboard), Audrey Lemieux (road cycling) and Stéfanie Vallée (whitewater kayaking). FitSpirit President Claudine Labelle felt that “the smiles and enthusiasm from the girls will only encourage the team to repeat the experience next year”.

A mission shared by MSSI
Given its ongoing commitment to the community, the Mont Saint-Sauveur International group (MSSI) shares the same vision. “The resorts of the MSSI group have always had the mission of projecting a positive image of sport. The involvement of Mont Olympia in this cause fits in perfectly with the resort’s family focus and emphasis on fun”, stated Frédéric Belval, spokesperson for the MSSI resorts.

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