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Basis Takes Second at Manhattan Beach Grand Prix

August 18, 2004 – A combined effort by Nicki Wangsgard, Lauren Gaffney, Kele Hulser and Nicole Freedman landed Nicole 2nd on the podium at Manhattan Beach, where she was able to look up to Genesis Scuba winner, Tina Mayolo, from her vantage point – Tina’s knee.

“Tina’s knee, one spot from the victory, and then it made sense.” said the enlightened Nicole, now founder of the Tanya-Harding-For-President-Foundation.

The Manhattan Beach Grand Prix in Los Angeles took place on the same day as the women’s Olympic road race in Athens. Authorities indicate that the rush on and subsequent worldwide shortage of asthma medicine is being addressed.

The 60-minute criterium consisted of two tight, 180 turns followed by 400 meter straight-aways. The final turn is quite tight. The first turn features a hot-dog stand features a hot-dog stand, which was oddly located next to the feed zone. The choices were difficult . . . Genisoy Bar or hotdog. The team, currently all on the PaleoCarboNoTaste diet immediately calculated the carbohydrate to protein ratio and snatched a hotdog from an unsuspecting spectator. The following lap, the bun was flipped back at the unsuspecting spectator.

Mixed in with the Genesis, Helen’s and T-Mobile team was retired former US National Champion, Pam Schuster.

“Pam, I haven’t seen you since you retired two years ago. How are you, how is your dog?”I asked.

“I had a baby,” she exclaimed.

“Do you want a bite of my hot dog?” responded Nicole

The Basis team attacked often and raced aggressively. “Kele, hold her firmly on the ground, while I sprint over her head to the finish.” The tactic worked, except for Tina , who has since been “taken care of”.

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